I have a fear of closing my eyes so cant do eyelash extensions. Then that wave came to me again and as Im writing this I feel it now because Im thinking about it. Whenever im climbing stairs, getting out of a car, running walking etc, i imagine myself falling or hitting something and i have the feeling like I AM GOING TO FALL like and i unintentionally make my hands in fists.. Xenophobia Fear of strangers or foreigners. Fears and Phobias: Things Famous Celebrities Are Afraid Of - TeddyFeed If you have a phobia that only shows its ugly self a few times a year, you may want to question taking meds. Kakorrhaphiophobia Fear of failure or defeat. Like a fear of losing your hearing, If you are asking is this a common fear, probably not. Most phobia names are made up by using the Greek or Latin word and placing phobia behind it. Enosiophobia Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism. Being monstrously ugly isn't classically part of what causes this, but it probably doesn't help. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. That can be a very difficult place to be. When a fear becomes generalized, such as yours, it usually has become a bit more complex than a simple phobia, thus it probably needs to dealt with differently. I also cant sleep in a total darkness, I must at least have some kind of street light. Such as when someone says Ill tell you later but you fear it wont occur, While this could be a phobia, it sounds as though you may have trust issues, either with a particular person or with yourself. If not, youd probably say to make one using greek roots and what-not but I dont want to say a word and it not be scientifically correct. ! Those are just 2 examples of many. Please, is this a phobia or a psychological thing? So, youre saying that Agoraphobia is an irrational fear that NO trauma might trigger such fear??? Sufferers of botanophobia can presumably only find respite in the desert or the arctic, at least until living space on the moon is widely available. Realize most phobia names are not scientifically produced and there is no difference in seeking help by telling someone you have phobia X or a fear of being able to scream. But it sounds as if you may have issues with people getting close to you or creating a meaningful bond. Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. So yes to all your questions, There are many dynamics at play here and I know there is much more to this story, so any attempts to explain your sons behaviors would be inaccurate, other than to say he has unresolved issues, is deeply conflicted about himself, his identity, his past and how he can process his emotions. Not all fears are phobias. Ever since then, if I hear a light tapping sound, just barely audible I feel afraid. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666. Id appreciate if you could respond . I feel like I am not in a bright or open environment, even in blazing sunshine, if the rooms are divided off. In this type of treatment, you are gradually and progressively exposed to what you fear. I have been looking everywhere, plz help teehee. I have to wash my hands a lot because of it and change my clothes even if I cant see the food on me. The celebrity is a person well known for his well-knownness. Many people label anything they fear as a phobia and unfortunately this is not always correct, especially with the fear of germs. I have a fear of everything thats smaller than me and can move faster than me like bugs, reptiles, amphibians, some small mammals but not dogs and cats, Since our nervous systems can fear anything imagined, not everything will have a name, since people put their own unique spin on things. However if they present real issues for you to cope with everyday living, if they are getting worse or stronger, then you may want to seek counseling. There are many reasons this could be occuring. If it consumes a fair amount of time out of you daily experience, you probably want to get some help and see how you can overcome this problem. Harpaxophobia Fear of being robbed. You will have to be more specific. Hoarding. Ricci admitted to the New York Daily News that indoor houseplants disturb her, as do swimming pools ("natatiophobia"), and that touching a dirty houseplant is like torture. (Baddest of Them All)' on iTunes. When I am without someone I know in public , I start to panic and find it hard to breathe . Peccatophobia Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes. More than likely they will just label it as fear of commitment. Does this phobia have a Latin or Greek name did these cultures partake or know of tea drinking? Have the same fear? During this nightmare there was a light tapping sound (much like the sound from a newtons cradle if you ever so slightly lift one ball to start it). Anablephobia Fear of looking up. Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors. Interstellar star Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors and avoids them at all costs. The dark? Nicole Kidman. I don`t even remember anything of my childhood.. Look up the Greek or Latin word (or words) for your phobia and you are half way there, Genophobia or erotophobia is the fear of sexual intimacy. What is the fear of celebrities called? You want to talk to someone to see if it makes sense or if there are better alternatives to try first. Guess who will be laughing last when our bones are picked clean by voracious butterfly proboscises? 2) Surgeons fear of operating. Its an actual fear in case I fall with the drinks etc. 4pm - 7pm, B.O.T.A. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. it really scares me. I cant believe I didnt get arrested. Reviewed by Shannon Martin, Licensed Insurance Agent. In modern usage, the word has evolved to mean the fear of strangers or foreigners but its original meaning is much broader. I complained to her that why would she eat something so gross. right okay so last night I had the SCARIEST dream of my life. I can not see children in dangerous situations, anyway dangerous in my eyes. My question is WHAT IS THAT CALLED? Well you know if you dont do anything, nothing will change. Also does anyone have any advice for someone with social anxiety and fear of making mistakes and being wrong? It's not surprising the poor girl has a fear of falling. Cookie Notice ), but what about the opposite? Is there a name to this condition? Is there a phobia of not knowing where you are? Thanks. Like nets women wear on their heads. There are thousands of phobia names and new ones are being made up all the time. Sitophobia or Sitiophobia Fear of food or eating. Fear of road sweepers ?? I was looking in this list to see if I can find the name of it, but I couldnt find. Fear in a dangerous situation is normal. Come, on Swift,the ocean is cool! What is the fear of losing everyone and not being able to do anything about it? Ive been looking for an answer for this one for a while now. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Lygophobia Fear of darkness. Is it true? Yes it is possible, but it may be something other than a phobia. i know there are names for fears reagrding feelings (cherophobia, etc. Meningitophobia Fear of brain disease. Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author and educational consultant focused on helping students learn about psychology. Didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school. Since people can fear just about anything the mind can conceive, not all specific fears are named and they do not need to be. Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Fear of tapeworms. Scriptophobia Fear of writing in public. I also would not just go to your Doctor to get anxiety medications; you actually want to speak with someone in depth about this. Well, I dont know if its a phobia or not.. I have this friend I call him chicken nugget . I have been searching for it and I cannot find it. 2 Whoopi Goldberg. Melophobia Fear or hatred of music. Photoaugliaphobia Fear of glaring lights. Hamartophobia Fear of sinning. I have a fear of sitting with my back to the door. Understandable! Phagophpbia is horrible. Whats the fear of things getting too loud to fast? Ive been searching, but I cant find anything. The unconscious uses dreams in many ways and there may be numerous reason these nightmares persist. What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe? Amnesiphobia Fear of amnesia. Arrhenphobia Fear of men. If this is a problem, dont wait to find the name, since get past this will not be determined on it having a name. Katagelophobia Fear of ridicule. Hope that helps. (I actually had a panic attack once). This going to sound complicated but I have this weird phobia of not knowing whats around me, it could be in any situation, if I dont know what is behind me or in a space I cant see I get really scared the hair on my arms stand up and I feel like screaming. Graphophobia Fear of writing or handwriting. Hi. Christina Ricci is a more pure botanophobe, being perpetually creeped by "filthy" household plants. You can have a fear about anything. People think I am kidding when I tell them, but it is 100% a real fear. Luckily she's got her man and daughter Blue Ivy to keep her company. I think you will find you have some self esteem issues that need to be addressed. Is there a phobia for the fear of shirt tags, or labels on fabrics like blankets or towels? It includes anything or anyone that's unfamiliar or unknown. You will definitely want to work with someone who can assist you on this. Fear of flying is one of the most common phobias around the world. Singer-actor Justin Timberlake is believed to be afraid of spiders, snakes and all other creepy crawlers. Christina Ricci seems to have many fears and the fear of indoor houseplants is one of them. Is there a fear for being murdered? Xyrophobia-Fear of razors. This post was really helpful, I just wanted to know if there was a name or phobia for like fear of being stupid. I cant bear telling my school, as I fear my teacher may mock me. Is there a phobia for fearing not being able to contact people? Pyrexiophobia Fear of Fever. What is the fear of putting your hand into a bag called? Some phobias may also indicate self esteem issues, PTSD or forms of abuse. So are rocker Sheryl Crow and actor-director Woody Allen. I think that somehow a little magic door is going to open up and let the shark out.". Bufonophobia Fear of toads. I fear if someone cares that Im alive that I have a purpose, and they want to help me. Maybe. (Yes, it's so common that it has an actual name! Bibliophobia Fear of books. Verbophobia- Fear of words. Phonophobia Fear of noises or voices or ones own voice; of telephones. Could be. Well there may be a name for this, but I am not sure this is just a phobia. Deipnophobia Fear of dining or dinner conversations. But it's not like a clown has ever hurt anyone. EMDR beyond PTSD: A systematic literature review. Keanu Reeves is afraid of being left alone in the dark and Megan Fox is afraid of the dark, period. Hypsiphobia Fear of height. The DSM-5: Classification and criteria changes. You may want to your check to see if you have some form of paranoia. Names help in billing clients, working with insurance companies and writing papers, they seldom help in getting people to release them. if it is, then what is it? Check out the Myers Briggs test. If you are seeking help, anyone in the health profession will understand what you are speaking of, If someone can think it, there can be a fear of it. This may sound weird, but as of yesterday, Ive had a kind of pain in my eyes when thinking about bathtub faucets. In a relatively safe world, the part of our brain that alerts us to danger just seems to get bored sometimes. Enetophobia Fear of pins. Just something to keep in mind. I am going to have to hallucinate that this is another form of fear of the unknown and quite possibly the underlining issue is not being able to trust in your ability to work past this. Reportedly in his High School Musical days, Zac Efron had a fear of stripping in front of an audience With a bod like that we find this impossible to believe. Pogonophobia Fear of beards.. Homophobia Fear of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual. However it does not include being afraid of not knowing what may be farther away, like in another room or separate area, only what is immediately near. What is the fear of celebrities called? : r/Phobia You may be over empathizing with other peoples pain or you may be extra sensitive to people getting hurt. Twilight star and heartthrob Robert Pattinson is deathly afraid of horses and fears being crushed by them. Scopophobia, scoptophobia, or ophthalmophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen in public or stared at by others. I also have this problem. Many phobias are a bit more complex, such as fear of germs, which often is OCD. Its coming down!, she continued. Billy Bob Thornton, a man who housed just enough crazy to land Angelina Jolie, has plenty of other crazy to accessorize with it. How common is it is unknown. While there are well over a thousand recognized names of fears, most will go unnamed, since they are not widely recognized. And it scares me . Optophobia Fear of opening ones eyes. Fear of flying is one of the most common phobias around the world. Sounds like youre and INFJ personality type. The difference in your case will come down to are you checking or have the urge to check the door being locked (for whatever reason you place to this) or do you just have a fear of unlocked doors (it does not sound like it). (Achluophobia) Find out if you share a phobia with any of these celebs. Bacon admitted that he even turned down an M & M commercial because his wife would never have approved! I have a phobia of not knowing whats behind me and wil sometimes stand by a wall so i dont turn around all the time. Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables. I hate the feel of it and the only thing i can manage to touch when my hands are like that is a towel and i hav to wait until they arent wrinkly anymore. You may choose a different approach on this, as it seems yours is really the fear of the unknown, specifically the unknown that could directly effect you. But there are some truly ridiculous ones that actually do affect people, including some people you know. Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. There may also be other things going on, but not enough info to be sure. Please include Misophonia. She confessed that when she reads scripts, she keeps a cup of water by her side, so that she can dip her fingers in before turning the page. I cannot see, or feel muscle as it makes me sick. However for a Sidonglobophobic individual, this phobia can actually ruin one's life. Top 10 Famous People with Agoraphobia - Listverse Does anybody know if there is a phobia of being hypnotised or being in a coma? Ochlophobia Fear of crowds or mobs. If you are asking for the name of such a fear, find the Greek origin and add phobia. Worst case scenario for a coulrophobe: I have had this fear since a child. It is a fear in which the bearer has strict fears of others or themselves being harmed in any sort of way. Which phobia is it like if u do something or for ex if u switch on a button and u think that u should do it 3 to 4 times or else something bad will happen to u or ur family ? I hope this helps and I hope you find someone to work with you can help you process these interactions differently. Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia Fear of body smells. Is there a name? Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations. Five of the most common phobias include arachnophobia (the fear of spiders), ophidiophobia (the fear of snakes), glossophobia (the fear of public speaking), acrophobia (the fear of heights), and social phobia (the fear of social interactions). Celebrities are adept at covering up their insecurities and fears. Richard I am assuming you mean could there be a reason for having this fear. Liam ' s One Direction bandmate Niall Horan apparently has a fear of pigeons when too many are flying overhead. People can fear anything. Britney, I am going to guess there are some trust issues you have with dealing with the unexpected. Like, I hate HATE answering questions about my well being like how are you or hows your day going because every single person asks the same thing and I have no idea how my day is going so I just say hi because it sounds like fine and people never actually give a rats butt how youre really feeling. That sounds like a form of social anxiety. What should I do, I think you may want to get checked for OCD. Others are PTSD oriented and some are just simple phobias. You spend more time in negative emotions then you would care to get into. So much so that shes even acted on her fear of flying in the past, going so far as to shout that the plane was going down whilst on a flight. This is a very vague question. Necrophobia Fear of death or dead things. This all happed today with the stain on the wall and a part of the wall breaking.I decided to wash myself but never did because i went to my sister and asked her why this was happening and I explained to her my eyes were bursting with tears and I suddenly couldnt breathe easily because it felt like my throat was clogged and i was struggling to say the words I wanted to to so i told her to come to my room. Demi Lovato - Elevators. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? Bacillophobia- Fear of microbes. Philemaphobia or Philematophobia Fear of kissing. No one in my family tried to help me unfortunately, so make sure you go to therapy to get it fixed rather than not like me. Having a name for a fear will not make it go away. Others have numerous obsessions or compulsions. In the dream, I had an older sister (which is why I think the dream was from my sisters point of view) and my older sister was just staring at them and saying something really, really quietly. Persistent and Excessive Fear Persistent fear means the fear of storms does not come and go or depend on specific variables but is present every time you are aware of a storm or the possibility of a storm heading towards you. For more information, please see our The exact causes of phobias are not known, but it is likely that a combination of factors plays a part. If our scientists can synthesize this phobia in the lab we've got a long list of names we'd like to infect with it. There is a pane on Squidoo that is good. just cant deal with them!!!! Rectophobia Fear of rectum or rectal diseases. My daughter has a fear of people looking at her bare feet. You may want to work with someone to deal with this, so you can feel comfortable sharing your perspectives. Batophobia Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). My word of advice to anyone who may have it- please make sure you seek help. Automysophobia Fear of being dirty. I find it hard to believe that with how specific some of these are, there is no phobia where the person is scared to have the doors around them unlocked and must lock them after every time they are used. Fear of nobody loving you Koniophobia Fear of dust. Acrophobia (Fear of Heights): Symptoms & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic

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