Ezra succeeded in leaving the system after Commander Sato sacrificed himself and Phoenix Nest to destroy one of Thrawn's Interdictor Cruisers, only to find that Mon Mothma couldn't send any reinforcements to their aid for fear of walking into Thrawn's trap. "I'm used to seeing ancient ones, cowardly Jedi's pulled from their hideaways, but you you're a Padawan, a child I haven't seen one of you in a long, long time.". The Bendu counseled the two Jedi that the convergence of the holocrons would be dangerous. Upon emerging, the Bendu expressed his pleasure that the balance between Ezra and his master had been restored but warned them that their true test had just begun. Ezra then told Kanan and Sabine that Maul had discovered that Obi-Wan was still alive and that he was inhabiting a planet with twin suns. After showing her the Darksaber, Sabine introduced her mother Ursa Wren to Ezra and Kanan; Ezra's effort to be friendly resulted in guns being drawn. This left him and his fellow rebels concerned, especially Zeb. Can the rebels make Ezra question his loyalty to the Inquisitors, or is he too engrossed by darkness to change? He and Kanan used their Force powers to levitate the Temple open, causing it to reveal another entrance. Upon reaching the temple, the two Force-wielders used their Force powers to force its heavy stone doors open. Barris. At Sabine's suggestion, they went after Thrawn's other Interdictor, with Ezra using an EVA Suit to join the Mandalorians on the outer hull of the ship. Kanan can't do anything to save his Padawan from himself. Ezra resorted to finding work as a con-artist and thief stealing in order to survive, receiving his lessons of such art from Ferpil Wallaway, a pawn shop owner and skilled pickpocket with various underworld connections. However, she was somewhat reluctant to speak with him but understood theRebellion's need for that carrier. Ezra And Sabine Were Kick Out Of The Rebellion And Go To Clan Wren. Leia assured him that all of this was unnecessary but Lyste remained insistent, so she requested in taking his landing craft so she could start on her relief work, with Ezra and Kanan accompanying her. Though Gina Carano will not be returning to reprise her role of Cara Dune, fans are hoping to learn more about what became of the character. As Kallus gave them a minute to surrender or be attacked, Chava immediately stated that he was the warrior and advised that there are many children, warriors and fools, but in time Zeb would get the chance to become all three. After hours of waiting, Ezra began to loose patience until the Lasat finally returned, having discovered that the planet was the original Lasat homeworld and that it was already home to millions of Lasat. She had lost more than one friend that way. No Archive Warnings Apply. Later, Sato dispatched the Ghost Crew and Phoenix Squadron to Mykapo to evacuate rebel sympathizers prior to an impending Imperial crackdown. Despite Kanan's efforts to reassure him that Sabine would be fine, Ezra still voiced his dislike for solo missions. Meanwhile the ghost crew are searching everywhere to find Ezra. While Chopper babysat Alora, Zeb went to intercept the courier droid before the Inquisitors could get their hands on Pypey and recovered him just as they pursued. The two Jedi later learned that Zeb and Chopper had discovered the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister's TIE Fighters and rescued another infant from Ahsoka's coordinates named Alora. Chopper, who was the only one chosen for the mission, grumbled at it and punched the boy with one of his mechanical arms in protest. As a result, Ezra realized that Hondo only cared for himself. Shortly later, the Ghost arrived at an asteroid overlooking the gas refinery and parked near it, and Ezra attended the briefing where Hera and Sabine outlined their plans to infiltrate the facility and steal the gas canisters. Chopper then entered the cell to inform them of Cham's offer to surrender. Joined by Sabine, the members of the Ghost crew traveled to Yavin 4, where they were reunited with Zeb and Hera. The figure, or as Ezra chose to call him, The Toy Maker, sat, with one leg over the other, on a cushioned chair as he watched Ezra wheeze, and drank from a steaming cup. As the hall disappeared and replaced by a vision of countless stars, a kyber crystal appeared from nowhere and landed gently in Ezra's hands, representing a big step in his Jedi training. As the weapon was designed to target the beskar alloy in Mandalorian Armor, Ezra suggested that they abandon the use of it. Rau told him that the Mandalorians had fought for centuries. Ezra, on the other hand, took command of the crew in his master's place, constructing a new green-bladed lightsaber and changing his hair in a swept-back style. Shortly later, Sato's CR90 corvette was pulled out of hyperspace by an Imperial Interdictor, a prototype warship equipped with four gravity well projectors. Ezra's use of the Sith holocron strained relations with his master, Kanan. The relay mission was ruined with the arrival of Marauder, whose commanding officer Brom Titus Ezra unwittingly attempted to impersonate in order to ward them off. Ezras casual use of his force talents caught the attention of Kanan Jarrus, captain of the ship Ghost, after the street rat stole some Imperial cargo the crew was set on liberating for themselves. Ezra was present with the other crew members when Kanan, Fenn, and Hera convened a meeting aboard the Ghost to discuss the matter of training Sabine how to wield the Darksaber. A U-Wing Starfighter crewed by Gerrera and one of his Partisans arrived with explosives to destroy the array, and took Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper along for another mission. The Bendu also warned that the convergence of holocrons could lead to chaos and that the Sith holocron was a source of imbalance between Ezra and his master. There, Ezra discovered that Maul had been preparing for a ritual and had amassed a great deal of objects from his past including the Darksaber. Kanan finds his son he did not no he had and yes kanans son is Ezra and he is 1 day old when kanan finds him. With Hera flying alongside the plummeting structure, Kanan managed to pluck Ezra to safety after convincing him to have trust in him and let go of the station. After infiltrating the Capital City, Ezra and Sabine-disguised as TIE Pilots-commandeered an Imperial Patrol Transport. Sabezra. At dawn, Slavin took Ezra and Hera outside the Syndulla House to facilitate the exchange. Standing in the ship, Ezra looks out over the endless expanse of stars and thanks to himself, 'so this is how it ends' he looks down and sees Sabine looking out over the stars "Sabine. Though unlike his first encounter, Ezra managed to hold up against Vader a little longer. Ezra briefly fought with Vader but was overpowered by the Sith Lord, who destroyed his lightsaber. I assume you have an imagination, a child like curiosity to you, but I also see you as a realist. This gave Ezra a chance to escape the building with Pypey. He ordered three Stormtroopers to escort Ezra to a secure cell. One of the pursuing Scout Troopers followed them but Zeb knocked him out. However, the Imperials were on to them and had called in for reinforcements. He was given the option to join their Rebellion, and learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi. One day, at the Capital City spaceport, Ezra was selling tickets for a Gladiator Night match between a Houk named Borbig Drob and a Feeorin named Warjak when Moreena came by and told him that she and her family were leaving for Alderaan to live with her grandmother due to the Empire, and bade farewell to him. Trusting Ezra, Klik-Klak revealed that he was the custodian of the last Geonosian queen egg. While Hondo's omission of these facts solidified Zeb's distrust of the pirate, Ezra insisted that they could still work with him. Rex then explained that Saw was still grieving over the loss of his sister and distrusted Geonosians due to their alliance with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Ezra was still full of questions about who Darth Vader was, questions that Ahsoka, who had the answers, denied. Sabine assigned Ezra with the task of watching over Rau, who was handcuffed. But now there is a new force user wants to use ezra's force abilities or else his friends will die. The Ghost crew eventually received word about Hera and Sabine's failed mission to seek permission for safe passage through the Concord Dawn system from the system's Protectors. On the way, they were attacked by the Seventh Sister and her ID9 Seeker Droids. When he awoke, he found himself unable to breathe and tried to reach for his helmet, but it toppled into the abyss below. However, a tentacle grabbed it and Ezra discovered that he had been rescued by the Purrgil King. Check out more of our Sci-Fi coverage or visit our TV Guide . Suddenly, the two were surrounded by Krykna Spiders. The carrier was now under their control, but thanks to Cham, the hyperdrive was disabled so they couldn't escape with the ship. Holding her in a Force-grip, Maul urged Ezra to strike the Inquisitor. Unfortunately, a laser blast from the remaining guard hit the boy and sent him plummeting into the the gassy atmosphere. Will Ezra crumble under the pressure of saving his friends or will he put his f Sequel to: Flight of the Force Ezra praised the Senator for her courage, and willingly agreed to help escort her to Dantooine for a meeting with various Rebel leaders. After the ritual ended, the two were accosted by several fallen Nightsister spirits who demanded that they pay their price in flesh and blood. In order to keep theGhostmoving, Ezra and the others were forced to reserve all power to the engines, leaving them with limited fire-power and little heating. After arriving at the Senate building using the sewers as a secret shortcut, the group was attacked by the Empire and they fled where they came with Trayvis in their custody. After fighting off their Imperial pursuers, they were evacuated by the Ghost and fled into space, with several TIE fighters led by the Grand Inquisitor hot on their trail. This left Hera and the rest of the crew trapped outside the bridge. Especially, with Real world AU The Empire Transforms Him Into A Cyborg And He Starts Working For Them. He took up smuggling and hid his lightsaber trying to hide his past permenantly. They were afterward greeted by the contact, who turned out to be Hondo, and Gron turned out to have fought in the Lasan Honor Guard with Zeb as his captain, much to Zeb's discomfort. Convinced by Bossk, he accompanied the Trandoshan to Monad Outpost during Gladiator Night, where they faced Jenkes. Dropping down from the Phantom with Leia in tow, Ezra and Kanan took on Lyste and his men while the other rebels unlocked two of the secured ships and took off in them, knocking the supply master out cold. After stealing an Imperial Freighter, Ezra and the rebels journeyed to Mustafar and deployed the TIE Fighter he and Zeb stole a while back to dock them aboard Tarkin's Star Destroyer, the Sovereign, and disable it with an electromagnetic pulse so they could search for Kanan. Fleeing into an apartment block, he contacted Ezra and Kanan, who traveled rejoin their companion only for Ezra to discover one of the Sister's seeker droids hovering at the entrance. It also temporarily fused Ezra and Mauls minds, and in trying to sever the force connection allowed Ezra to discover the World Between Worlds. By the time the arrived in Ryloth's atmosphere in the TIE bomber being carried by a Twilek rebel ship, the rebels detached and piloted towards the orbiting carrier as it dispatched a squadron of bombers down to the surface. What If: Ezra was found by the Grand Inquisitor instead of the Ghost crew? Before he could corner the animal, it fled on the back of a speeder bike into the wilderness, but Ezra managed to plant a locator on the speeder before it disappeared. While traveling through hyperspace, Ezra sensed a sudden disturbance in the Force. Realizing Tseebo's value to the Rebellion, the crew of theGhostagreed to smuggle him off-world. During the skirmish, Tseebo briefly regained his senses, and Ezra learned from him that he tried to save his parents but was too afraid to try. The three rebels fled into a canyon with the Super Commandos in pursuit. While Chopper befriended them, the rebels flew back to Lothal with the intention selling the stowaways along with the disruptors to Vizago, but unknown to them, the Alderaanian senator Bail Organa sent the two droids on the same secret mission to prevent the T-7 s from falling into Imperial hands. However, Yoda could see much anger and fear within him, which helped Ezra realize his true reason to become a Jedi, to protect not only his friends but everyone in the galaxy. A New Beginning Chapter 1: In The Beginning, a star wars rebels fanfic But he was no match for Darth Vader. After Ketsu left, Ezra asked Sabine if that was the last they'll see of her. Sabine managed to escape with Ezra's help. Upon arrival, Ezra greatly helped the Rebels get into the correct section and stole the shipments that they discovered were T-7 Ion Disruptors, which were banned by theImperial Senatebecause they were able to instantly kill a living being. While Sato protested that they were members of the Corporate Alliance, Titus was not fooled and quickly recognized them both and informed Agent Kallus of his catch. Unfortunately, the crew had no idea they'd been set up, and after Hera pleaded with him to warn the others, Ezra reluctantly boarded the vessel just in time to warn Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine. Telling Kanan about the vision, the boy was later called in by Hera when the transmission came on, where Trayvis spoke complimented on the bravery of rebels defying the Empire's tyranny and hinted he's coming to meet with them at the Old Republic Senate Building on Lothal. Frustrated with Kanan's training methods, Sabine stormed off in rage to spend some time alone. You cant entirely erase someone and expect them to still be an efficient war dog afterwards; something has to give. However, upon returning to the rebel fleet, the Chopper revealed that a tracker had just activated on the shuttle, which allowed Darth Vader to follow them. Kanan then reassured Ezra that Rex was still haunted by the Clone Wars. Chopper wanted to leave but Ezra told him to get the shuttle ready while he fetched the others. Ezra went with his master and Hera to the ship's bridge and hold its crew at gunpoint, but was informed by their commander that he already contacted reinforcements and was ordered to stay on the carrier once they arrive. A tentacle grabs Thrawn and begins to constrict him. Ezra tells the other rebels that it is up to them and to remember that the Force will always be with them. At the time, Ezra was upset because Kanan was no longer going to train him and instead dump him onto Luminara. During the journey, Ezra wept, prompting Kanan to comfort him. Ezra has always flirted with the Dark Side, but fans wont know if his lengthy solitude was enough to warp his good heart until Ahsoka arrives later this year. At that point, Chopper emerged and activated the explosives under Hera's orders. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Despite repairing the hyperdrive, Sabine and Chopper's efforts came to naught when Mart redirected the ship's power to its laser cannons and deflector shields. However, their coordinates to the mysterious rebel led a supply run atFort Anaxes, a remote asteroid base once used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, where Fulcrum had already fled and thePhantombroke down in a gas leak Ezra and Zeb forgot to fix, leaving both girls under attack by a pack of Fyrnocks that infested the area. Seconds later, the rebels discovered that the Phantom was being pursued by two Dismantler Droids, which inflicted damage on the ship. After an encounter with a Tactical Infiltration Pod, the group encountered the Chandrila Mistress and Gold Squadron, whom they had been sent to meet. Hera reluctantly complied but warned to leave on Phantom II if Imperial reinforcements arrived. The Jedi and the Republic never fell, Anakin didn't fall and Palpatine in dead. After saving Lando, the crew departed on the Ghost with Chopper stealing Lando's fuel canisters as compensation for their risky job. Ezra and the crew of the Ghost traveled to the desert world of Seelos, but after exiting hyperspace, the Ghost was damaged. "Ryder's planning on turning all imperial officers over to Rebel Command as soon as possible. In a moment of anger, Ezra told his master that he did not need the Holocron or him. With the meeting concluded, Hera assured Ezra that Kanan would be proud, to which Ezra told her it didn't seem that way considering his master's constant absence. Since the reactor core was manned by Imperial technicians, Chopper instructed Ezra to distract them while the droid accessed one of the terminals and turned off the gravity, thus preventing the technicians from firing on Ezra. Of how the crew bonds through tough or sad moments in there life. AU Real World Along with Zeb, Ezra was simply held responsible for leaving the Phantom with a leak yet expected more by Hera the next time the mistake nearly winds her and Sabine up as lunch. Fortunately for them, the Inquisitors were held back by several spectral Temple Guards. Kanan, however, who remembered Rau as a fighter instructor pilot for the Republic who he and his master fought alongside in the third Battle of Mygeeto during the Clone Wars, suggested that they infiltrate the base and destroy the Fang fighters before approaching with the fleet. "All I want are some healing enzymes from your wings," he pleaded. He escaped with Zeb and returned to the Ghost. They succeeded in this mission, despite Ezra's ineptitude with a jetpack, due in part to the timely arrival of Clan Kryze and its leader Bo-Katan. The Phoenix Squadron believed they could steal that ship and use it to house all of their fighters. Ezra claimed that things were going well but Hera quickly deduced he had disobeyed his orders. Ezra tries his best to help her remember who she was and who he is. Later, the crew of the Ghost and Rex set up a base on Garel, and Ezra eventually skipped one of his Jedi lessons with Kanan to attend a blaster training session taught by Rex. During the fight, Chopper stopped the Imperial astromech by electrocuting it and reopening all the doors, allowing Ezra and the crew to retreat back to the Ghost. Using the Force, Ezra managed to throw Sabine out of the cave and the spirit was exorcised from her. Ezra struck down the power unit with his lightsaber; freeing the starfighters but sending Reklam Station towards the surface of Yarma. Now Ezra has fully recovered from the incident. When Ezra related his vision to Kanan, his mentor told him that the Jedi believed that life did not end with death but merely changed form. The mission proved problematic, with the captain Seevor proving an elusive and difficult prisoner. This is an extension of my other one shots of Pedro and his many characters. Includes many pranks, family fluff, dark stories and even karaoke. Its been five years since the presumed death of his Padawan, and Kanan has never quite forgiven himself. Thrawn's operation coincides with Luke Cage's heroics in Harlem and the arrival of Daniel Rand in New York. Having disabled the conveyor belts, Ezra ordered his team to get the Y-Wings back to the Rebellion. They're gone." His parents were part of the earliest rebel cells on Lothal, and began broadcasting messages of resistance to their peers with the blessing of the planets governor. Rex, Kanan, and Zeb refused to fight but Ezra saw an opportunity to obtain the proton bombs that the Rebellion was after. What If: Ezra was found by the Grand Inquisitor instead of the Ghost crew? Their efforts enabled the remnants of the Rebel Fleet to escape, and they made their way towards Yavin IV. With Kanan and Rex safely boarding the corvette in an escape pod, the rebels prepared to jump into hyperspace but Titus had the remaining gravity well projectors activated on them. Ultimately, Ezra confronted him, and Seevor inadvertently fell to his death. With Chopper, they headed to Section A2 only to discover that Thrawn had stationed sentries there. Upset and angry, he blamed Tseebo for everything and refused to listen to any more of what he had to say. As Ezra, Kanan and Sabine loaded the weapons onto theGhost and Zeb held the Imperials back, the rebels escaped Garel into hyperspace, unwittingly bringing the droid duoC-3POandR2-D2aboard with them. Gregor offers to supply them with the information in return that the rebels participate in a hunt for Joopas. ", Ezra smiles at this question; he knew they would ask this. As he listened to the multiple voices that came through, he listened to the Force. The rebels, Gooti, Jonner, and R3 managed to flee aboard the Phantom II but Mart wanted to stay behind and fight. Chopper quickly followed suit. Ezra later accompanied Kanan, Zeb, Chopper, and Rex on a mission to salvage Proton Bombs from a wrecked Separatist Supply Ship on Agamar. The Xexto had the boy do jobs like scanning wealthy-looking tourists and trick them into selling their own belongings, and the two would later pick each other clean for fun. Eventually, Ahsoka has been investigating Darth Vader and his Inquisitors and discovered that the Inquisitors' secondary mission was to kidnap Force-sensitive infants, thus obtaining two sets of coordinates. star wars rebels - StarwarRebelsLover - Wattpad Unable to hold out anymore, the two rebels fled back to the Ghost on the magnetic cable system. Later, an Imperial probe droid damaged the Phantom before Rex destroyed it. Ezra's training was found difficult for him and Kanan since the latter knew very little about the ways of the Jedi, as his training was never completed when the fall of the Jedi Order occurred. Their ongoing quarreling led them to be sent on a supply-run at the marketplace of the nearby village Kothal together by Hera. In order to get ahead of The Rebellion, the Inquisitors send their youngest member, The Thirteenth Brother, on an undercover mission. Or will that secret, forever stay a secret? Together with Ahsoka, Kanan, and Chopper, Ezra traveled on the Phantom to Malachor. Without any training, the young Jedi was able to extend the airtime of speeders in flight, persuade authorities to look away from his misdeeds, and understand the feelings of animals. Theres no way you can believe that you will see your loved ones, again.. From Ahsoka, he learned that the Jedi and Sith had fought on Malachor a long time ago and that both sides had been destroyed. Preparing for a rescue mission, Ezra prevented the Fyrocks from getting on the ship by holding them back for Hera and Sabine but was largely outnumbered. While Ezra wanted to destroy the Sith, Maul only sought hope. READ: Star Wars Writes Off Gina Carano Mandalorian Character. So, the light cruiser opened fire on the Ghost and each blast kept missing the ship, and thus the Ghost miraculously jumped into hyperspace through the star cluster, knocking Ezra and his fellow crewmates out due to its bright blast. Enraged, Sidious set his Royal Guards on Ezra, who managed to defeat them using fragments of the temple. The pair came upon Maul's Nighbrother, which they used to return to Atollon where-as Master Kenobi had helped Ezra see-his family awaited him. Despite Kanan's orders, Sabine snuck along, probably making Ezra worried. After Kanan and Ezra returned from Malachor everything was different, especially Ezra. While taking-off, Ezra was hit by laser fire and fell out of the shuttle's side door. After a challenging physical ordeal, the two managed to acquire the holocron. "I want to be healed." Puzzled on what kind of trouble the Rodian was in, Ezra headed back to his tower to think about it until he heard his parents' voices calling out to him through the Force and realized what the only place he could find Tseebo was: his shuttered family home. There, Thrawn examined the Kalikori and determined that Hera was Cham's daughter and a rebel operative. German_Bear, 71Roadrunner, Penguin_Brianna, ZeldaRose579, Sonic4Ever, JustWriterBritt, Lord_Schnurrbart, Thatguy2775, achillies453, Psychotic_Flamingo1991, and HeyKatie After splitting up, Ezra regrouped with Zeb who was flying stolen TIE Fighter and flew away. When Maul returned, the two opened the holocrons and brought them together. She eventually met her end at the hands Darth Vader, but not before realizing that the Sith Lord was her former master, Anakin Skywalker. In response, Ezra defended Maul for realizing his potential as a Force-wielder and accused Kanan of holding his Jedi training back. It is just jealousy or something more..? Nearby, an Imperial light cruiser was coming after them, but Ezra Force-pushed a TIE bomber that Sabine rigged with explosives out of the carrier and let it drift toward the pursuer. Now with his species supposedly wiped clean from the galaxy, Ezra has to hide his extra body parts from everyone, including his own crew which he trusts with his life.But with the Empire hot on the crews trail will Ezra be able to keep h OLD STORY When the rebels reached the cargo bay, tensions between Ezra and Zeb resurfaced when the former insisted on using his lightsaber to breach the chamber against the latter's protests. [ Twins Concept ] However, the rebels' walker encountered two AT-AT walkers, that had been sent to counter Ryder's attack. For Ezra the situation becomes worse and worse until the circumstances escalates. Ezra is a hybrid. Following a fight, Ezra managed to beat Kanan and the Nightsister spirit left his body. Contents 1 Biography The exercise proved to be an opportunity for Sabine to come to terms with her decision to leave her family. Kanan did not want Sabine to train with the Darksaber yet because he feared that she would hurt herself. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? Thrawn had been dispatched by Imperial High Command to investigate the high rate of defective vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory. Apparently, the Protectors' leader, Commander Fenn Rau, had already aligned his warriors with the Empire and attacked Hera's Phoenix Squadron fleet, destroying several of their A-Wing Starfighters and gravely wounding Hera. Seventh Sister smirked as she called out "How about we start taking some limbs off. That left Hera feeling like an outcast and prompted her to join the rebellion, a decision that her father became disgusted about since he really wanted his daughter to be by his side in liberating their homeworld. While contacting Hera at a large air shaft, the rebels found the Geonosian hiding on the other side. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Ezra seats Sabine on his lap and holds her close, raising a force barrier over the ship with all his strength. preyna fluff fanfiction. You can help me.What? Ezra's fear grew into anger and then finally into hatred. After Saw left the room, Kanan told Ezra that not all of their allies shared the same values and motives for fighting against the Empire. That pulled a snort from the Jedi and the mood was decidedly lightened by the time the rest of their family crowded into the room. During the brief skirmish, Ezra and Kanan managed to use their lightsabers to topple an AT-DP walker. Feeling lost without his mentor, Ezra had little time to grieve, as the Loth-Wolves returned accompanied by a massive specimen named Dume. Ch1 (A Pau'an Hybrid - P1) - The Grand Inquisitor knows it is his job to eliminate force sensitives, but he didnt expect the youngling to be a Pau'an Hybrid.

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