And you have no place in this department, or this university. What are trying to prove here, anyway. While the Blues Brothers proved popular, he would later conceive of Ghostbusters, further catapulting his stardom and solidifying his stamp on pop culture with two of the best 80s movies of all time. Have you or your family actually seen a spook, specter or ghost? It's looking at me. Various New York people carry out unfriendly activites. This is the Ghostbusters' commercial that appears in the film, as written in the script. ,Dr. Peter Venkman: Hotel Manager: It's all right. You volunteered, didn't you? Dr. Peter Venkman: Personally, I liked the university. I meet you, and I say, my God, there's someone with the same problem I have. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Realizing he may not have another option, the mayor allows the 'busters to get their gear and take care of business. [the Ecto-1 is getting a police escort to Dana's apartment building]. What sign are you waiting for? They conducted rituals up on the roof, bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world. [gets out] [to the female student] Dr. Peter Venkman: Whoa, whoa, whoa! [on the phone] Egon, I tried to stop them. Dana Barrett: Wait, wait, wait! Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: [about the storage facility] A PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions. [whispering] Dana. Dr. Peter Venkman: [Walter Peck storms out of room] You wanna come in for a mineral water or something? The Board of Regents has decided to terminate your grant. and [he yanks the tablecloth off of one of the tables, upsetting and breaking everything except a vase of flowers on the center of the table]. Dr. Peter Venkman: On Cover B of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #1, Winston's middle name Ramsey appears on the file. [quickly] Since the mid-80s, few films have entered the pop cultural landscape and stayed there like Ghostbusters. Walter Peck: Dr. Peter Venkman: During a date at a fashionable restaurant, the alien's unfamiliarity with human etiquette became apparent. Whoa! Any customers? Dana Barrett: Back off man, I'm a scientist. What are you supposed to be, some kind of a cosmonaut? Dana Barrett: It's, a couple of wavy lines. Ernie Hudson Says 'Ghostbusters' Script and Marketing Pushed Him Aside: 'It Felt Deliberate' and 'I'm Still Not Trying to Take It Personally'. Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Egon Spengler: He wants to shut down the protection grid, Peter. As filmed, the parts with the family were eliminated (though some of the dialog was repurposed for the Ghostbusters II commercial), just leaving Peter, Ray, and Egon to give their spiel in front of the firehouse. We go to jail - peacefully, quietly. You know, you don't act like a scientist. Whoa-oa! Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"! You know, Mr. Tully, you are a most fortunate individual. [excitedly] [to the other inmates] I've worked in the private sector they expect results! Let me guess: Gozer worshipers. That said, the script is still funny, and some of the best lines in the film are still here, either exactly as is or in some variation. new zit popping videos 2020 . [walks up to a hapless guest, speaking confidentially]. Dean Yeager: Winston Zeddemore: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Listen, I'm usually very psychic, and I have a terrible feeling that something awful is going to happen to you. [Annoyed] Annette! Dr. Egon Spengler: ,Dr. Egon Spengler [spins around to face another of the inmates, and starts singing] Hotel Manager: And the flowers are still standing! ,Dr. Egon Spengler The Hotel Manager comes running up behind them]. Break it up! But most definately wrong. [after Ray orders her to re-locate] The Ghostbusters manage to save the day, Venkman rescues Barrett, and they end the movie as heroes (at least, that is, until the sequel). Dr Ray Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: I'll go check out Miss Barrett's apartment. Quietly! Dr. Peter Venkman: Cold-riveted girders with cores of pure selenium. I think he can hear you, Ray. Dr. Peter Venkman: [Dana starts passionately making out with him, moaning audibly]. Ho! [Desperate] Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: and don't stare at me you got the *bug eyes*. Dr. Raymond Stantz: They all look as pleased as punch as Venkman hands the Father a bill. Gotta run. ,Dr. Egon Spengler Game collects a $100 fee from all participants before it starts and pays rewards to winners at the end. This voice said "Zuul". He's an ugly little spud, isn't he? Here is the story structure for theGhostbusters screenplay: Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Ray Stantz, and Dr. Egon Spengler work for a university. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Look at all the junk food! Hey! Dr. Peter Venkman: Once the Ghostbusters business starts booming, government intervention tries to come in and ruin everything. Peter Venkman "Just pick up the phone and call the professionals!" Egon Spengler "Call the." All "Ghostbusters!" Egon Spengler "Serving all your supernatural elimination needs 24 hours a day." All "Ghostbusters! Listen you smell something? Something that could never ever possibly destroy us. SMOKIN'! Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: You can have this ticket and keep it! Janine Melnitz: Let's go. It's Peter. We never talk any more. Dr. Egon Spengler: [dejected; motions the others to move behind a bookcase] I remember Revelations 6:12?And I looked, and he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake. I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. Hey Where these stairs go? Zia Comics Ghostbusters commercial 271 views Jan 7, 2022 15 Dislike Share Save Zia Comics 2.53K subscribers Big thanks to the Texas Regional Response Team branch of the Ghostbusters for this. Dr. Peter Venkman: You go get a court order, and I'll sue your funny ass for wrongful prosecution. Einstein did his best stuff when he was working as a patent clerk. Dr. Peter Venkman: The ghost is incarcerated here in our custom-made storage facility. I don't believe this. There's nothing else in my life! Dr. Peter Venkman: ghostbusters commercial script. Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say. There is definitely something here. They wouldn't touch us with ten-meter cattle prod. Louis: Does this pole still work? Wow. Winston Zeddemore: You gonna answer that? No, you're being moved off campus. This is obviously more political in nature, but it ties back to the start a business element that keeps the movie grounded. Hotel Manager: Dr. Peter Venkman: ,Dr. Peter Venkman: OK? [in an inhuman demonic voice] Dr. Peter Venkman: You think it's too warm in here for the brie? I'll be in my office. That makes good financial sense, good advice Louis: [Janine opens the front door and sees a policeman]. I'm Peter. Let me tell you something about myself. What is the magic word, Mr. Venkman? And the sun became as black as sack cloth, and the moon became as blood. The 'busters explain the situation and how it will bring about the end of the world. I'm here with Dana Barrett. Winston Zeddemore: [telling Winston, who is new to the team on how to place ghosts in the storage facility] Coming through! Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dean Yeager: Winston Zeddemore joins the ghostbusters and E.P.A. [referring to her radical change in personality] Investigating, the officer discovers a huddled mass of ghosts and vapors hovering directly over the tracks. Dr Ray Stantz: You're very handy, I can tell. We most certainly can, Dr. Venkman. Aykroyd then pitched it to director Ivan Reitman, who . Meter and Raymond takes photos] At the same time, Peck comes back to the Ghostbusters HQ and demands their field generator be shut off, resulting in a storm of released phantasms on the city. Dean Yeager: ghostbusters commercial script Clothing with high quality, comfortable, and of course the latest style trends.if you like and are interested in our product ghostbusters commercial script Clothing For Unisex you can add it to the Cart our website then check and make sure you complete the payment. Winston Zeddemore: Dr. Peter Venkman: [to Egon] Dr. Peter Venkman: Nervous? Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: *Four feet* above her covers. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Winston Zeddemore has The Twinkie line. You never studied. Everybody can relax, I found the car. levels of organization in a coral reef overnight stocker wegmans pay. It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. [frightened] 131K views 2 years ago #Ghostbusters #BillMurray #SonyPictures You know who to call. The Keymaster, entering with Peck, Police Sergeant and Con Ed Man, in jail, the Ghostbusters study the blueprints of Dana's apartment building, to a cellmate looking over his shoulder blueprints, He pauses, glancing uneasily at the rest of the holding cell crowd, spins around to face another of the inmates, and starts singing, Ghostbusters shoot at Gozer, but she disappears, Walter Peck gets kicked out of the Mayor's Office, he yanks the tablecloth off of one of the tables, upsetting and breaking everything except a vase of flowers on the center of the table, after Ray thinks of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and it appears, stomping through New York City, telling Winston, who is new to the team on how to place ghosts in the storage facility, Ray pulls a lever and the green light comes on, the Ghostbusters exit the elevator. My friend, don't be a jerk! [Venkman shakes hands with Peck and still has ectoplasm on his hands]. ghostbusters commercial script - You've seen it? But now, as if some unforeseen authority [the Ghostbusters arrive at the Sedgewick Hotel in Ecto-1, fully decked out in uniform and gear]. [tries to go back into his apartment but he's locked himself out]. We can take it. Every ancient religion has its own myth about the end of the world. You gotta learn to play rough! Dr Ray Stantz: You do *your* job, pencilneck. You don't know what it's like out there! It won't hurt you. script may have started as a wild Aykroyd idea, but thanks to his creativity and Ramis and Reitman keeping it grounded, a unique and beloved franchise was born. Dr. Raymond Stantz: As a duly designated representative of the city, county, and state of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension. Con Edison Man: Dana Barrett: [gets in Peter's way] The Keymaster] Do you want this body? We don't wanna lose her. Dr. Peter Venkman: Mr. Stay Puft. The middle name was revealed in Volume 2 Issue #13, page 9, but the wedding priest. Dr. Raymond Stantz Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Louis: Are you currently menstruating? [Egon pulls out a calculator and starts punching in numbers. Dr. Raymond Stantz: dr jatinder singh pmo office contact number. "Going out of business. [gets in electrician's way] All right, all right! Good job, isn't it? Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Personally Lenny, I think it's a sign from God, but don't quote me on that. This makes them that much more fun and easier to connect with, which is part of what makes the movie so enduring with kids and adults alike. Nice working with you, Dr. Venkman. Chew your food. [the ghost transforms horrifically and snarls aggressively. [to the male student, and holding up another card] Dean Yeager: A fan re-creation of the commercial WITH on-screen graphics can be found on Spook Central here. No, no, I'm fine, I feel great! Louis: Do you want some coffee, Mr. Tulley? A real nasty one, too. Ghostbusters Script PDF Download: Quotes, Characters & Plot - StudioBinder Please! Now, are we actually gonna go before a federal judge, and tell him that some moldy Babylonian god is going to drop in on Central Park West, and start tearing up the city? Dr. Peter Venkman: No sweat, I'll take a rain check on that. I wanna know more about what you do here! Yeah, we can do more damage that way. Venkman is critical and sarcastic about the encounter, Stantz is ecstatic about it, and Spengler lets them know that the trip brought with it useful scientific data. [after Ray thinks of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and it appears, stomping through New York City] Dana Barrett: Professional paranormal investigations and eliminations. Dr. Peter Venkman: So, what are we doing today, Zuul? Walter Peck is the government stooge that wants to bureaucratically bring down the Ghostbusters. Don't move! With a diet cola commercial, one creature turns into a beautiful woman while the other turns into a heavy-set man. Dr. Egon Spengler: They wouldn't touch us with a 10-meter cattle prod. I'm gonna get my stuff. Dr. Raymond Stantz: [as he, Peter and Egon leave the hotel, Ray calls out to the witnesses]. Ghostbusters, what do you want? You're right, no HUMAN BEING would stack books like this. [possessed by Zuul] Would you come over here, please? Now either you shut off these machines, or we'll shut them off for you. [Entering elevator] Dr. Egon Spengler: All right, all right, all right! Dr. Egon Spengler: I won't pay it. This product is made of . "We know we've got a knocking! The boys in gray slugged it out with a pretty pesky poltergeist, then stayed on to dance the night away with some of the lovely ladies who witnessed the disturbance. See ya on the other side, Ray. Hey, wait a minute. No, no. We came, we saw, we kicked its ass! No offense, guys, but I've gotta get my own lawyer. I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer. This happen to you before? This is Casey Kasem. Dr. Egon Spengler: Egon, your mucus. [after being hit by fifty gallons worth of melted marshmallow, screams hysterically] Oh! The three comics, plus Ernie Hudson, play the New York City-based team that provides superna more More Ghost Busters quotes Collection Edit Buy Dr Ray Stantz: Dean Yeager: You're the best one on your row. Ray for a moment, pretend that I don't know anything about metallurgy, engineering or physics, and just tell me what the hell is going on. Janine Melnitz: Dr. Raymond Stantz: He starred or was featured in a number of other movies for the next couple decades, including Ghostbusters II. You have been a participant in the biggest interdimensional cross rip since the Tunguska blast of 1909! Let's say this Twinkie represents all of the Psychokinetic Energy in the New York area. 1889 A.D. One of the greatest tangible evidence of psychic energy is recorded. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: This is a major disgrace - forget MIT or Stanford, now. Hello! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Venkman, get a sample of this. Sleep here. Oh, I'd really like to, Louis, but I have to go rehearsal now. This is big, Peter, this is very big. Dr. Peter Venkman: [the possessed Louis growls at the coachman with his red-glowing eyes]. Just gimme the address Oh sure, they will be totally discreet. Dr. Peter Venkman: Vinz, you said before you were waiting for a sign. Spengler steps forward. Dr. Raymond Stantz: And then she threw me out of her life. Heck, my grandma used to spin yarns about a spectral locomotive that would rocket past the farm where she grew up! Yeah, you could say that. Janine Melnitz: Hotel Manager: special olympics records ghostbusters commercial script . Librarian Alice: I want that door open NOW! In the video below, at about 6:25, you can see Murray, Aykroyd, and co-star and co-writer Harold Ramis trying out a few alternate names for their paranormal team. Cease and desist all commerce order, seizure of premises and chattels, ban on use of public utilities for unauthorized waste handlers, and a federal entry and inspection order. I love this plan! That was your whole plan, huh, "get her." I'm Winston Zeddmore, Your Honor. The trio run away screaming, half in shock, half in amazement, hands Egon a petri dish filled with ectoplasmic residue, Louis is being chased by the demon Vinz Clortho, after the beautiful female student has guessed 5 out of 5 cards right while he has "none"; actually he has one, Dana has been possessed by the demon Zuul, looking at the temporary sign on Ghostbusters HQ while a worker is hanging it up, hears a siren approaching and an old, gray station wagon pulls up in the driveway, looks and sees Stantz in the driver's seat, gets off the elevator and Louis comes out of his apartment, tries to go back into his apartment but he's locked himself out, offers Ray a drink, which he reluctantly accepts, Egon is running tests on Louis who has been possessed by Vince Clortho a.k.a. Before its cinematic release in 1984, the original script for Ghostbusters was written to be very different from the story that audiences are familiar with. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Louis: Slow down. Raymond, look at this. Dr. Peter Venkman: HOLDIN'! That's it, c'mere Francine. Important safety tip. Can I talk to Dana? [shouting while offscreen] Dr. Peter Venkman: Oh, that's very fascinating to me. Dr. Raymond Stantz: TV SCREEN I make it a rule never to get involved with possessed people. [surveying a wrecked apartment building corridor having climbed over thirty flights of stairs with his proton pack]. I don't know. Dr. Peter Venkman: [Suddenly puts card down] Dana Barrett: Wasn't so hard. READY! Dr. Raymond Stantz: I tried to think of the most harmless thing. The effect? Venkman turns to the real estate agent]. Dana Barrett: What do you think, Egon? Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Raymond Stantz: I believe that we were destined to get thrown out of this dump. Because I'm curious. Everyone knows who to call when ghosts wreak havoc . [triumphantly] Thank you. Forget MIT or Stanford now. In the original script, Gozer took on the form of Ivo Shandor (the ghost building's architect, who started the original Gozer cult), who resembled a pale, slender, unremarkable man in a business suit. I think he can hear you, Ray. What's Gozer? ,Dr. Egon Spengler And I love Jesus's style, you know. Dana Barrett: Everybody getting this so far? Could be race memory stored in the collective unconscious. DANA BARRETT pushes the carriage along the street. You gotta try this pole. Dr. Peter Venkman: So be good, for goodness sake! [Stops Ray] Yes. Dan Aykroyd wrote the initial draft with his imagination totally uninhibited, emphasizing more strongly the science-fiction elements of the story and making the supernatural characters more prevalent. Hotel Manager: Hotel Manager: [Venkman arrives at 55 Central Park West, a few minutes after Louis was chased out by the demon Vinz Clortho]. Dana Barrett: [a giant marshmallow man crashes through the streets of New York]. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Do you have any hobbies? Well, what's he doing in my ice box? The structure of this roof cap is exactly like the kind of telemetry tracker that NASA uses to identify dead pulsars in deep space. They all stare appreciatively. Sorry, Venkman, I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought. in English from Florida International University, along with certificates in Film Studies and Asian Studies. We'll cross the streams. Ghostbusters II/Transcript | Moviepedia | Fandom Dr. Raymond Stantz: We believe that the purpose of science is to serve mankind. You're gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our client - the nice lady, who paid us in advance, before she became a dog Dr. Egon Spengler: Some of the dialog was originally written for the Ghostbusters TV commercial, where it would have been said by a troubled family. Is it just a mist, or does it have arms and legs? I'm not paying that ticket! Okay. What I'm about to say may sound a little unusual. [Holds up another card] Just relax. Reitman went so far as having Sony executives . Dr. Raymond Stantz: Hotel Manager: This Mr. Stay Puft's okay! I just whacked her up with about 300 cc's of Thorazaine she's gonna take a little nap now. Exactly what are you a doctor of, Mr. Venkman? Is this a trick question? Dr. Raymond Stantz: The script is pretty straightforward, as Venkman announces hes been slimed and Egon announces Slimer is now in the ballroom. Hi, this is Larry King. But it's been quiet for years! METER MAID just . Are you, Alice, menstruating right now? Dr. Egon Spengler: [after Gozer disappears] Walter Peck: Set your entry grid, neutralize your field and the light is green, the trap is clean! Every ancient religion has its own myth about the end of the world. [throws the guests' coats in the closet, oblivious that they hit the demon Vinz Clortho hiding there]. Captain, these men are in criminal violation of the Environmental Protection Act! I'm getting stronger readings here. Dr. Egon Spengler: Everybody, this is Ted and Annette Fleming! I saw it, I saw it, I saw it. Walter Peck: Ghostbusters (1984) - Trivia - IMDb Dr. Peter Venkman: [to a policeman] Louis: Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: See, I can get six hundred tablets of that for the same price as three hundred of a name brand. The Keymaster]. Dr. Egon Spengler: Walter Peck: Dana Barrett: Dr. Peter Venkman: It was even chosen by the Library of Congress to be preserved in the National Film Registry in 2006. Gozer's final form was described as " David Bowie meets Grace Jones ". Winston Zeddemore: Ghostbusters Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Will there be any more of them? Janine, sorry about the bug-eyes thing. It's true, your honor. Yeah, well, I do. [abruptly closing her door] No. Browse and download PDFs for all of our scripts as you read, write and practice your craft to become the next great screenwriter. Uhhh this magnificent feast here represents the LAST of the petty cash. Dr. Egon Spengler: I saw it! There was *nothing* here! Dr Ray Stantz: Today, the entire Eastern Seaboard is alive with talk of incidents of paranormal activity. No! Louis: [reading from the printout] Dr. Egon Spengler: Personally, I liked the university. Well, listen, maybe if we start dancing other people will join in! Looks like we're in the teens somewhere. LET'S DO IT! Since I joined these men, I've seen shit that'll turn you white. Past-life experience intruding on present time. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Egon Spengler: Dana Barrett: Stimulants? [to the Mayor] Walter Peck: Cute little pooch. Dr. Peter Venkman: Archbishop: when the light is green, the trap is clean. Police Captain: Dr. Peter Venkman: Library Administrator: Dr. Peter Venkman: Tell him about the Twinkie. The whole island's going crazy. Winston Zeddemore: Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, no job is too big, no fee is too big! Mr. Smith, quickly. What a lovely singing voice you must have. So what? I want you to tell me what you think it is. Anything. The three busters start up their business right around the same time as one Dana Barrett is experiencing paranormal activity in her apartment. It "is" a star,. Yeah, what have you got? Ghostbusters October 7, 1983 Draft I'm sorry, I don't believe in any of those things. Ghostbusters was a tremendous mash-up of comedy talent, bringing in some of the funniest people working in 1984 to perform Ramis and Aykroyd clever, joke-a-minute script, and Reitman . for four big ones, Four thousand dollars for that. You! We're gonna go full stream. [after nearly being crushed by a falling bookcase]. Very simple, really. Anything. Louis: It stars Bill Murray, Aykroyd, and Ramis as three eccentric parapsychologists in New York City who start a ghost-catching business. And how many ghosts have you caught, Mr. Venkman? I read a lot myself. Dr. Peter Venkman: Columbia Pictures/YouTube. This is it! man Walter Peck is inquiring about the Ghostbusters effect on the environment. "And the seas boiled and the skies fell.". Differences and Similarities No, no, NO! I taped a 20-minute workout and played it back at high speed on my machine so it only took ten minutes. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: [alternate wording from cable TV version]. This is also a big reason why Ghostbusters was a big hit then and still a big hit now: relatable, down-to-earth characters and solutions going against paranormal and exaggerated problems. Effect? Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: I'm not sure Walter Peck: Janine Melnitz: 'Scuse me Egon? Walter Peck: Write and collaborate on your scripts FREE. Placing it in New York City helps, as does making the heroes everyday joes who go into business for themselves after being fired from a university. Were here to help. Dr. Peter Venkman: Don't patronize me, I'm not grotesquely stupid, like the people you've bilked! I got a great workout. [casually] Can't you do something about it. The owners don't even like us to talk about it. Did you choose anything? Why don't you have some of the brie, it's at room temperature! You don't think it's too subtle, Marty, you don't think people are going to drive down and not see the sign? We're paying you, are we? the flowers are still standing! My parents left me that house. Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Ray Stantz thinks of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Camp Waconda. [Coming in] [droning on] I have a radical idea. Great, how's it going down there? Okay, I have a plan. I'm going to go have a shower. As seen in the outtakes, Janine was originally going to appear in the commercial, but not in the manner the script describes. According to this morning's sample, it'll be a Twinkie 35 feet long and weighing approximately 600 lbs. Dr. Raymond Stantz: And where do you put these ghosts, once you catch them? Library Administrator: Ready? Always the professional, Venkman realizes something is wrong and, instead of maybe taking advantage of the situation, he uses his parapsychology to try and help Dana. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: I think so, but I'm sure there are no animals in there. [Egon is running tests on Louis, who has been possessed by Vinz Clortho and is now the Keymaster]. Gozer the Gozerian good evening. [holding ghost trap like a rat by the tail] And he wasn't alone. Personally, I liked working for the university! Mayor: Well, no sense in worrying about it now. We can see how Murray adapts the moment from the script into the scene, along with how Sigourney Weaver pulls off being possessed. Needs some suspension work and shocks. Well thank you, Louis, I'll really try to stop by. ,Winston Zeddemore: Above all, the primary trio (latter quartet) are relatable everymen. You know, it just occurred to me that we really haven't had a successful test of this equipment. In the adjacent park area, pretty hustlers and drug peddlers go about their business. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Yeah, it's a sign, all right. Peter slaps the machine out of Egon's hand, Turns over the card and zaps the male student, to the male student, and holding up another card, Peter's hand slowly reaches for the zapping trigger, holding ghost trap like a rat by the tail, as he, Peter and Egon leave the hotel, Ray calls out to the witnesses, a giant marshmallow man crashes through the streets of New York, possessed by Vinz Clortho a.k.a. Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us. And at the end of the scene, all they're able to tell them is, "Well, you've got a knocking." Gozer: [as The Gatekeeper] Venkman knocks again]. Police Sergeant: Walter Peck: [in jail, the Ghostbusters study the blueprints of Dana's apartment building]. Thanks very much, Ray. And the jokes dont hurt, either. [Turns over the card] Dr. Peter Venkman: [to an invisible audience] Janine is a more normal person than Spengler ever could be, to the point where he doesnt notice, or possibly care. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Shut these off. [Ghostbusters shoot at Gozer, but she disappears]. Egon pinpointed a small community in northern New Jersey as the likely epicenter of major psychic activity, due to its central proximity to three nuclear power plants and a number of chemical waste storage areas. [ they arm their packs ] Dr. Raymond Stantz , Dr. Egon Spengler , Winston Zeddemore : SMOKIN'! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Man at Elevator: Louis: We came, we saw, we've kick its ass. Dr. Peter Venkman: The #Ghostbusters are ready to serve all your supernatural elimination needs. When can we move in? Whoa! Dr. Peter Venkman: [tickling piano keys] Yes sir, don't worry. It's corny, but, I respect you. Brakes, brake pads, lining, steering box, transmission, rear-end. Oh, dear. Fine. Then our prisoners will be released. It's OK; the table broke the fall. Janine Melnitz: Wait for the sign. Forty years of darkness! Dana Barrett: Sumerian, not Babylonian. [hands Egon a petri dish filled with ectoplasmic residue] Grab your stick! You know who to call. This is the Ghostbusters' commercial that appears in the film, as written in the script. Walter Peck: Dr. Raymond Stantz: And don't stare at me, you got the bug-eyes. Dr. Raymond Stantz: And since the Ghostbusters are the relatable heroes, its obvious that Peck and his court order are the bad guys who (unintentionally) help bring about the destructor.. We both have the same problem. Dr. Raymond Stantz: One class-five full-roaming vapor. Switch me on! That's 5 for 5, you can't see these can you? Walter Peck: We're ready to believe you. Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm Peter Venkman. I collect spores, molds, and fungus. Well yeah, you know what I did? Hey, Dean Yeager! Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. I guess we'll just have to move. Total protonic reversal. [possessed by Zuul] Venkman, shorten your stream! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Some people think I'm too intellectual but I think it's a fabulous way to spend your spare time.

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