Appendicular muscles work to control the movements of the arms and legs, while the axial muscles are located in the head, neck and trunk. 1 Definition. How does the serratus anterior function as an antagonist to the rhomboid muscles? A remove excess body heat A latissimus dorsi A. auricularis The ________ vertebrae are located in the neck. A carbon dioxide It is also known as SCM or Sternomastoid or Sterno muscle. C. internal abdominal oblique D anterior mandibularis, The muscle on the ventral side of the abdomen that flexes the vertebral column is the: a. splenius cervicis b. latissimus dorsi c. trapezius (upper fibers) d. serratus anterior e. teres major. E. psoas minor, Which back muscle inserts on the ribs and vertebrae? D iliopsoas, The function of the sacrospinalis group is to B. contributes to pouting. Which muscle is the prime mover of arm abduction (assuming all fibers are used)? C. contributes to laughing and smiling. E. difficult defecation and decreased support for the pelvic viscera. E. down. C. vastus lateralis. A muscle that crosses the posterior side of a joint will always cause extension. A. rectus abdominis E. psoas minor. Test your knowledge about the sternocleidomastoid and other anterior muscles of the neck with the following quiz: During pathological changes of the sternocleidomastoid the clinical picture of the wryneck occurs (bending of the head to the affected muscle and rotation to the healthy side). c. Which two muscles in that group are synergists? What is the antagonist of the Latissimus Dorsi (Extension of humerus)? The sternocleidomastoid muscle extends from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and medial clavicle. C trapezius Which muscle dorsiflexes and inverts the foot? The type of muscle that can contract with the greatest force is the Tilt your head towards the left. How to Relax Your Sternocleidomastoid: 17 Tips & Stretches - wikiHow C the liver owes the muscles some oxygen The muscle shape that has the capacity to shorten to the greatest degree is If the head is fixed, it elevates the sternum and clavicle and, thus, expands the thoracic cavity (inspiratory breathing muscle). splenius capitis D. extensor hallicus longus The carotid pulse may be felt in the middle third of the front edge. Match the action with its appropriate arm muscle name: Flexes forearm at elbow joint and supinates forearm. B. serratus anterior A. forearm. B. gastrocnemius Get instant access to this gallery, plus: Introduction to the musculoskeletal system, Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the abdomen, Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the pelvis, Infratemporal region and pterygopalatine fossa, Meninges, ventricular system and subarachnoid space, Lateral surface of mastoid process of the temporal bone, Lateral half of superior nuchal line of the occipital bone, Accessory nerve (CN XI), branches of cervical plexus (C2-C3), Neck muscles, nerves and vessels(cadaveric dissection) - Prof. Carlos Surez-Quian. (a) greater for well 1, levator scapulae D. rotate the head toward the left. E. piriformis. B trapezius- raises shoulders A muscle that assists the muscle primarily responsible for a given action is a(n) __________. A. palmaris longus pectoralis minor B. B. sartorius For a bicep curl, elbow flexion, the biceps brachii is considered to be the agonist. in this case, it's the upper trapezius and another muscle in the front of the neck called sternocleidomastoid. Which of the following represents a class I lever system? D. masseter 2023 copyright 2003-2023 B. contributes to pouting. A the cerebellum promotes coordination What is the antagonist of the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (wrist flexion)? B tetanus E. orbicularis oris, Raising the eyebrows is the action of the _____ muscles. B. flexor carpi ulnaris __________ muscles have their fibers arranged obliquely to their tendons In a manner similar to a feather, such as unipennate, bipennate, and multipennate muscles. E. piriformis and quadratus femoris. The primary function of the deep muscles of the thorax, such as the intercostals, is to promote __________. B muscles lack the oxygen needed to complete cell respiration A. class I lever system. 75 Free NCLEX Questions - c/o BrilliantNurse., David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Charles Welsh, Cynthia Prentice-Craver, David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis, Intro to Sociology Final Exam Study Guide. C. contributes to laughing and smiling. A. function and orientation. Explain how the sternocleidomastoid and splenius muscles can act as either synergists or antagonists for the actions of the neck flexion, extension, and lateral rotation. What is the antagonist of the Extensor Digitorum Longus (Toes 2-5 extension)? What are the three muscles in the group of arm flexors, innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve? Identify the muscle that performs the following function: Two muscles that close the mouth. Platysma and the sternocleidomastoid muscle A loose connective tissue layer called the superficial cervical fascia is present between the platysma and the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which allows an easy glide of the platysma over the sternocleidomastoid. A. nasalis Each joint is surrounded by soft tissue. Match the following fascicle arrangement with the appropriate power generation or description: Parallel, Straplike with an expanded belly; great ability to shorten but not usually very powerful. - trapezius action on the atlanto-occipital joint; second-class lever This is an example of muscles working as. A. pectoralis major and teres major. What are the magnitude, sign, and xxx-coordinate of the third charge? Which statement is NOT true of organ systems and movement? What muscle(s) serves as an antagonist to the biceps? C. rectus femoris. (c) equal for both wells? of the sternocleidomastoid muscle 10x faster and easier? D. sartorius and rectus femoris. A. soleus. - the shape of the muscle Sphincters have a __________ arrangement of fascicles. and grab your free ultimate anatomy study guide! D. C. flexor pollicis brevis the muscle that does most of the movement. A. injuries resulting from excessive stress on the tibialis posterior. e) buccinator. Muscles that have their fasciculi arranged like barbs of a feather along a common tendon are called. C more heat is produced as cell respiration decreases If a person drums their fingers on the table, they would be using which of the following muscles? B. longissimus capitis A. scalenes. E. quadratus lumborum, Which abdominal wall muscle is the most superficial of the oblique muscles? Musculus sternocleidomastoideus 1/3 Synonyms: SCM The sternocleidomastoid muscle is a two-headed neck muscle, which true to its name bears attachments to the manubrium of sternum (sterno-), the clavicle (-cleido-), and the mastoid process of the temporal bone (-mastoid). Match the following muscle action with its appropriate term: C. abductor pollicis longus E. peroneus longus. D. multifidus C. peroneus longus; plantaris The muscle that is used to cross the legs is the C. interspinales Sternocleidomastoid Anatomy: Origin, Insertion, Action, Innervation C. laterally flex the neck. What is the antagonist of the Flexor Digitorum Longus (Toe 2-5 flexion)? B. gastrocnemius. E. Scalenes. a) diaphragm b) sternocleidomastoid c) pectoralis major d) scalenes. Which of the following muscles is responsible for closing the eyelids? B. accounts for a sprinter's stance. An agonist muscle is a muscle that is primarily responsible for the action being demonstrated. i think it's the rectus capi lateralus. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Digitorum Profundus. rotation, Choosing from the lateral neck muscles, which muscle is the prime mover for flexion of the head at the neck? C. interspinales What is the antagonist of the External Intercostals (Elevate ribs)? D. subclavius A. fix the scapula in place. Toll-like receptor 9 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TLR9 gene. stress fractures of the fibula 2 to 5 cm distal to the knee. Which of these muscles is the muscle of expiration? E. transverses thoracis. A. raise the head. the muscle elevates and/or adducts a region. The sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles are located within the investing fascia of the neck (Figure 25-2A).. Antagonistic Muscle Overview and Examples - B cerebellum A. extend the neck. When an intramuscular injection is given in the anterior aspect of the thigh, the injection is in the E. coracobrachialis, The teres major and teres minor are not involved in a) frontalis. C. vastus lateralis D. longus capitis D. gracilis C. fulcrum is the part being moved. What is the antagonist of the External Oblique (Trunk flexion)? Fixators hold joints in place, so movement does not occur. A. tibialis anterior pectoralis major D. triceps brachii However, the second heart field has recently been identified as an additional source of myocardial progenitor cells. Holds origin of a moving muscle stable a) Acetylcholine b) Antagonist muscle c) Synergist muscle d) Fixator muscle, Which of the following muscles would be the most helpful for forceful expiration? Which of the following muscles would be considered an antagonist to the rectus femoris? The zygomaticus major muscle B. triceps brachii D triceps brachii, The muscle around the eye that closes the eye is the: A. rhomboideus major A. pectoralis major D. zygomaticus major B. quadriceps femoris D orbicularis oculi- closes eye, Which muscle is NOT paired with its correct function? A. iliopsoas. (1) right lateral rectus A sodium ions The sternocleidomastoid muscle is an axial muscle located on either side of the neck and supports forward and lateral flexion at the neck as well as rotation and elevation of the sternum and. Study Anatomy Semester 1 exam review flashcards. . D. are not involved in movement. C. psoas major and iliacus. The biceps brachii functions to pull the radius of the lower arm toward the body. What are attachments for these muscles, and their functions? Which of the following muscles is part of the rotator cuff? A) The sternocleidomastoid is the synergist, and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. Patho Respiratory - Fundamental - Respiratory Problems Anatomy of the Splenius Capitus. (b) Ansa cervicalis. - The more a muscle shortens, the more power it generates. Naming muscles | Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (BSB 141) - Course Hero C. flexor carpi radialis C. location and size. trapezius a muscle working in opposition to another muscle. D. extensor digitorum longus D. suprahyoid Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study masticatory efficiency parameters (number of particles, mean diameter and . C. occipitofrontalis What is the antagonist of the Lower Portion Trapezius (Depress scapula)? D. internal abdominal oblique. E. rhomboideus major, . The sternal division typically has 3-4 trigger points spaced out along its length, while the clavicular division has 2-3 trigger points. The pair consists of muscles wherein one contracts while the other relaxes. D. function and size. D the frontal lobes of the cerebellum initiate muscle contraction, The direct energy source for muscle contraction is: C buccinator What is the antagonist of the Scalenes (Neck extension)? Over a period of time these micro-contractions lead . Clostridium botulinum Clostridium botulinum type A Clostridium botulinum type E Clostridium botulinum type B Clostridium botulinum type F Clostridium botulinum type D. B. contributes to pouting. C. brachialis What is the antagonist of the Sternocleidomastoid (Neck flexion)? The muscles of the body are classified into regions known as axial and appendicular. Would the muscles that cause flexion of the neck have their origin or insertion on the head? C acetylcholine to transmit the impulse to the muscle fiber A. sternocleidomastoid muscles B. scalene muscles C. pectoralis major D. masseter, When the biceps brachii flexes, what is the antagonist? Biohybrid robot powered by an antagonistic pair of skeletal muscle The sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) is an important landmark in the neck which divides it into an anterior and a posterior triangle. Explain the role of both muscles in terms of agonist and antagonist in both of these movements. Antagonists: Longissimus Capitis Spinalis Capitis Splenius Capitis Semispinalis Capitis Sternocleidomastoid (posterior fibers) 3. D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. How many origins are there for the biceps brachii muscle? C. temporalis Which of the following muscles acts to protract the mandible? Match the muscle's name with what generally describes one or more of its features: Muscle name that describes size. What is the antagonist of the Internal Intercostals (Depress ribs)? Most of us carry a lot of tension in the upper trapezius and neck muscles. Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one does NOT pull the leg forward? E. swallowing. In rats, the sternocleidomastoid is composed of two bellies, a superficial sternomastoid medially and a deeper cleidomastoid laterally [ 3 ]. The attachment site of the muscle tendon to the more-movable bone is called the __________. D more permeable to sodium ions, Which statement is NOT true of the electrical events at the sarcolemma? In humans E. All of these choices are correct. Match the word to its correct meaning: Transverse. A muscle that assists the prime mover muscle. E. rhomboideus major, Which muscle retracts, rotates, and fixes the scapula? What is antagonist muscle to scalene? - Answers What thoracic muscles are involved in expiration? D. masseter and medial pterygoid. Which of these muscles is not the muscle of inspiration? c. Spinalis. A. gastrocnemius Register now What is the antagonist of the Peroneus Brevis (eversion)? c) medial pterygoid. Iliopsoas, Sartorius, Tensor Fasciae Latae. pectoralis major C. pronate the forearm. coccygeus C. Diaphragm. The extensor digitorum muscle is an example of a __________ muscle. An exception to this generalization is the extensor-flexor musculature of the ___. skeletal muscle contracts and pulls on bone. holds it in place) so that the prime mover can act more efficiently. Identify the muscle that performs the following function: Paired muscle that extends vertebral column, maintains erect posture, and laterally flexes the vertebral column. B sacromere B. flexor carpi radialis B flex the forearm dorsiflexion The biceps femoris is part of the - the nervous system's control of the muscle, the nervous system's control of the muscle. The radial pulse can be felt just lateral to the tendon of the Name five muscles that extend the vertebral column. The sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) divides the neck area into anterior and posterior triangles. What is the antagonist of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (wrist extension)? C increase the removal of carbon dioxide E. fibularis brevis, Which muscle plantar flexes the foot? The anterior triangle is delimited by the posterior border of the SCM, the inferior border of the mandible inferiorly, and the medial line of the neck medially. C. levator ani and coccygeus muscles. Read more. C. triceps brachii Synergists help agonists. D. chubby cheeks. E. attach at the distal end of the humerus, A tennis player complains of severe pain in the shoulder when serving or returning an overhead volley. The cervical plexus will have a honeycomb appearance of hypoechoic nodules super-cial to the brachial plexus within the groove between the inter-scalene muscles as shown in Fig. C. vastus lateralis. movement of the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius. D. to the nose. A. trapezius b) Levator palpebrae superioris. A. levator scapulae A. A. auricular C. pectoralis minor inferior oblique Define each term. The arm is attached to the thorax by the A negative/positive lateral After administering ketamine/xylazine mixture (50 and 5 mg/kg, respectively) in order to induce surgical anaesthesia, appropriate shaving of the right cervical area was performed. D. internal intercostals. c) levator palpebrae superioris. C. D plantar flex the foot, Which muscle is NOT paired with its correct function? B. stress fractures of the fibula 2 to 5 cm distal to the knee. Is this considered flexion or extension? D. subclavius The infraspinatus C. thumb. - The number of muscle fibers best determines how powerful a muscle will be. A. flexors. E. zygomaticus. C. auricularis From what height did the student fall? B. semispinalis capitis PDF Acute Pain Management Protocol for Neck Procedures Two positive point charges qqq and 4q4 q4q are at x=0x=0x=0 and x=Lx=Lx=L, respectively, and free to move. The antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid is the splenius capitis. In order for both eyes to direct their gaze to the right, which of the following muscles are used? bones serve as levers. Damage to the muscle called the levator ani would result in a. Longissimus. The SCMs on each side of your body course from the breastbone and collar bone in the upper part of the chest to the back of the head. - the locations of the muscle attachments movement of semimembranosus and semitendinosus. load is the weight of the object. Balance between muscle groups is ideal, as it will decrease pressure in your joints. Synergists. ______ is a stiff neck due to spasmodic contraction of the neck muscles that pull the head toward the affected side. D. vocalis Aim to feel a stretch on the right Sternocleidomastoid. B pectoralis major E. gracilis, Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one is NOT part of the quadriceps group? d) Stylohoid. - triceps brachii at the elbow; third-class lever There is always an agonist, and antagonist. What are the muscles of the head for Anatomy and Physiology? What is a muscle that provides the major force for producing a specific movement called? C. latissimus dorsi D there is too little oxygen in the lungs, In the neuromuscular junction, the membrane of the muscle fiber is called the: B. extend the forearm. The brachial plexus should lie between these two muscles. 10. Which of the following muscles is named for its action? Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus. E. brachioradialis. Muscles that elevate the jaw and close the mouth include the Contracting the trapezius muscle would D. extensor digitorum longus Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Tensor Fasciae Latae. E. coracobrachialis. Describe the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in the production of body movements. A. quadriceps femoris D. adductors. Each of the following terms is a descriptive term for a muscle's action, except __________. C. biceps femoris D. sphincter urethrae and sphincter ani muscles. E. teres major. C. internal abdominal oblique B. serratus anterior Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 7 Flashcards | Quizlet Understand the anatomy of the face and neck and learn how many muscles are in and about the face's muscular system. B circulate more blood to muscles A. Brachialis B. Deltoid C. Triceps Brachii D. Brachioradialis E. Trapezius. posterior B. adducts and laterally rotates the arm. Sternocleidomastoid pain: Anatomy, causes, treatment, and exercises Muscles that work like this are called antagonistic pairs. B masseter B. soleus What is the antagonist of the Vastus Medialis (knee extension)? B masseter d) buccinator. Breathing Muscles and Singing - How do they work? - Sage Music Organisms 6. The trapezius muscle is a large, triangular, paired muscle located on the posterior aspect of the neck and thorax. Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one is on the posterior side? In this case, Antagonists of the Scalenes would be your posterior neck muscles, such as: Upper Trapezius. A. sternocleidomastoid C. class III lever system. D myoglobin in muscles, Which statement is NOT true of oxygen and muscles? What is the antagonist of the Gastrocnemius (Plantarflexion)? B hamstring group Their antagonists are the muscles. The sternocleidomastoid muscle creates the borders for both the anterior and the posterior triangles of the neck, and is innervated by the spinal accessory nerve (). What does the term levator mean? D adductor group, The muscle on the anterior side of the thigh that flexes the lower leg is the: The sternocleidomastoid muscles flex the neck and the splenius cervicis Agonist and antagonist muscle pairs - BBC Bitesize Of the following muscles of the forearm, which one rotates the forearm to turn the palm upwards? Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side. The primary actions of the muscle are rotation of the head to the opposite side and flexion of the neck. C. infraspinatus e) Trapezius. - the location of the muscle B extend the leg C tibialis anterior Paralysis of which of the following muscles would make an individual What is the antagonist muscle of the sternocleidomastoid? a. intermittent claudication b. spasmodic torticollis c. myasthenia gravis d. contracture, What muscle performs the opposite action (antagonist) of soleus? Sternocleidomastoid Trigger Points: Masters of the Migraine b. D. transversus abdominis Reading time: 5 minutes. C glycogen/creatine . A. scalenes C. inflammation of the gastrocnemius. D. dorsal interossei. (3) left lateral rectus A biceps brachii- flexes forearm B. Which of the following muscles moves the scapula? Most flexor muscles are located on the ______ aspect of the body, most extensors are located ______. A. extension of the arm. B. sartorius Sternocleidomastoid muscle | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia E. back muscles are similar in strength to the back muscles of cattle. During vigorous inspiration, the external intercostal, scalene, and sternocleidomastoid muscles - under distress or exercise. a. buccinator b. temporalis c. masseter d. orbicularis oris. The number of muscle fibers best determines how powerful a muscle will be, Which of the following joint muscles is correctly matched with its lever type? B hamstring group E. linea alba. A. deltoid A. levator scapulae abduction A. supraspinatus D. flexion of the elbow to elevate the hand The largest buttocks muscle is the C. triceps brachii and supinator. C. orbicularis oculi C. trapezius. What is the antagonist of the Supraspinatus (Abducts humerus)? Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle pain in the neck typically results from muscle tension or performing repeated motions. A. sartorius; piriformis B. sartorius A. puckers the mouth for kissing. The major abductor muscle of the upper arm is the __________. A)trapezius B)sternocleidomastoid C)semispinalis D)platysma. What is the antagonist of the Levator Scapulae (Elevate scapula)? a. Frontalis b. Occipitalis c. Masseter d. Sternocleidomastoid e. Rectus Abdominis f. Pectoralis Minor g. Pectoralis Major h. Supraspinatus i. Infraspinatus j. Subscapularis. . 1 and 3 B. origin and insertion. What is the antagonist of the Iliopsoas (flexion of femur)? Sobre Kol ; Saiba mais sobre nossa tecnologia e como mais e mais universidades, organizaes de pesquisa e empresas de todos os setores esto usando nossos dados para reduzir seus custos. An antagonist for a muscle on the posterior side of the thigh would be found on the: A anterior side of the thigh B medial side of the thigh C anterior side of the lower leg D posterior side of the lower leg B Which statement is NOT true of antagonistic muscles? Hence, it was an excellent model for . B. subscapularis levator ani, choose all that apply: A synergist c. A fixator d. An antagonist. D. flexor digitorum profundus A external intercostals and internal intercostals Agonists are the prime movers for an action. Which of the following muscles performs cervical extension only? D orbicularis winkus, The muscle of the face that raises the mandible is the: c. It pushes the charge backward. Which statement is NOT true of muscle sense? The depressor anguli oris muscle A orbicularis oris Muscle Attachments and Actions | Learn Muscle Anatomy - Visible Body A. biceps femoris E. gracilis, Which muscle extends the four lateral toes? The name has the origin of the Latin words: sternon = chest; cleido = clavicle and the Greek words: mastos = breast and eidos = shape, form. A. quadriceps femoris D increase the blood supply within muscles, The muscle on the lateral surface of the shoulder that abducts the arm is the D- orbicularis oris- puckers lips, Which muscle is NOT paired with its correct function? The main forearm extensor is the __________. E. blood accumulation around the gastrocnemius. B. contributes to pouting. E. is a common site for injections. .

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