Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy The shamed former groom felt antsy about the whole ordeal; now he was beginning to wish he hadnt taken on the extra order from Celestia. "Twilight, I won't fool around with you. The Nightmare Forces possessed my body, transforming me into the devil known as Nightmare Moon. Yet, for somepony who holds so much faith in her student, and especially when that same student in equal measure believes in you, how could you let her down?". I..". "In the event the second echelon goes rogue, our Changelings will enclose and crush them, while hunting down any stragglers. Do you understand now that being the bridesmaids of the wedding corrupted your minds to the point where your cares and responsibilities faded into nonexistence?". The Mane 5 were shocked to see that the baby dragon had taken on such a strict form, but Cadance remained unbowed by such an appearance. In his hands he held his top hat. ", "Just a few scars" Replied Chrysalis. Not only did it give off the obvious signs all was not right with Twilight, but it also made the shield stronger. "Next stop Ponyville!" She mocked and belittled my efforts to prepare for the wedding, as well as those of the others. The sun princess spoke glumly. ", "Be at ease, Lady Velvet. Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. Criminals, thugs, dissidents and individuals who resent the treasured Equestrian values of friendship and harmony. Now it was clear to them just how much Twilight valued her friendship with them, as well as her relationship with her brother and with Celestia. He couldnt bear to think of it any longer but he wanted to get it over with so they can quickly make amends to his own sister, the Element Bearer's best friend and Celestia's student they all scarred for life.Still, they had to know, so Shining knocked on the door and it opened to reveal his father Night Light. "Princess, I don't know about this. "Major Shroud! My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? Cadance was focused mostly on how Twilight was going to feel seeing the girls again. It is I who should be remorseful and ashamed.". First it was Twilight giving them a tongue-lashing, but now it was Spike. Meanwhile, Luna was first to break the ice between herself and Celestia. The Nightmare Forces feed off negative emotions, such as the two I just mentioned. I appreciate you've come all this way just to try to make it up to me, but I'm not ready. However, they were completely harvested. The girls could only look at her with frank expressions. "Yes Luna. Do you have any idea what would have happened to me if..". Applejack had nothing else to say. In unison, the Mane 5 bowed their heads sadly. At the same time, I felt Celestia wasn't paying any attention herself, which only made me feel worse. "Darnit" Rainbow grumbled in annoyance. ", "Is that so?" "Shut up Spark!" ", "We also failed our Elements." Still, that is not the reason you summoned me.". The finest spy in my intelligence corps.". Come with me.". If that wasn't enough, Princess Celestia, your benevolent sister and the object of Twilight's idolisation and inspiration, did not even look her in the eye when she crushed her spirit. Pinkie and Fluttershy were also crying in their sleep, Rainbow was tossing and turning, her attempts to wear out her body coming to nothing. There is nothing more we desire than this.". What do you mean Canterlot nearly fell?! After all, one cannot be mad at a child for simply going with the flow. Whatever perils lay inside did little to faze the nerves of the Changelings. "She..she did what?" For now it was just Twilight, huddled in a warm embrace with those she loved and held dear. "Let me see my sister captain." Staff "He is the captain of the Canterlot's Royal Guard" explain Twilight. If that wasn't already a slash to her heart, then the knowledge that what happened then draws similar comparisons to the rehearsal would absolutely double it. She was sobbing, just loud enough for the Mane 5 to look up one by one in surprise. It was fortunate enough that Cadance already had Twilight's trust, given that she had no part in the betrayal, but she still had to ensure the latter was convinced enough to let the Mane 5 be heard. Everything we had been through together, all those friendship lessons we had learned, we threw them out the window as if they were trash. "It's going to be OK.". She knew they couldn't afford to say something that would upset Twilight. Back in Ponyville, morning had dawned over the town, birds chirping happily to mark the occasion. His face was initially grim with dread, but Shining recomposed himself, and dismissed the sentry. "But Commander, what of the Element Bearers? Yelled out the conductor as the train whistled. I can't help it. Rarity had a point; Twilight did upset the bride, even though she was an impostor. Over-eager rookies were normally all it took to detonate a powder keg of tension. I understand why you are upset.". She had finally come to terms with her mistake. Spike gently stepped inside, with intent to repent. Granny Smith slowly stood up, Applejack watching on as she did. screamed Twilight Velvet from the kitchen. The alicorn started crying, her stubbornness finally failing. "Well, OK, I'll take your word for it. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction For Twilight and Spike, it had felt like hours since they had left Canterlot for Ponyville, but in reality, it had only been a little over an hour and a half. Applejack's always been very punctual. But it was thanks to Twilight that I was able to "modernize", as the locals say. "Please don't leave me.", "Shh Sugarcube." Chrysalis had her enemies right where she wanted them, and it was all thanks to Twilight that this was possible. On why did she have to be punished like this? You're not the only pony who's having a rough time. You have not only brought shame to our family Applejack, but you have brought shame on yourself and your Element. Replied the four guards in unison, following Shining down the hall as he trotted ahead of them. You fools, don't you know who I am? As for the stallion himself, he and his officers were gathered in the castle's war room, where they were coordinating patrol routes, reconstruction efforts and new areas of temporary resettlement. ", "No Rarity, I haven't forgotten, but let me ask you this. Celestia cried. We're going home, considering I'm not welcome here anymore.". "I see somepony is eager!" "Girls, tell me Twilight wasn't right. Maugrim added jubilantly. While it failed to, that didn't stop him from opening his mouth. The Mane 5, Shining and Celestia turned their heads to the source of the voice. 60,737 hits today, 1,481,371 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction It is the first half of a two-part season finale. Taking a moment to test the shield's strength, Applejack knocked a hoof against it. twilight runs away from her brother's wedding and ends up on earth in the 1920's. she there meets her only chance to fit in a new world. Act 1 [Later, when Twilight and her friends are setting up for the wedding preparation before The REAL Canterlot Wedding begins] Twilight Sparkle: Seriously, though, I get why the Queen of The Changelings wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you? Replied Shining sadly. Growled the commandant in annoyance. Chrysalis's threat was met with laughter from the Guards, angering her greatly. "Hello Twilight." ", "Gentlecolts, it pleases me immensely to announce the Element Bearers will be of no concern to our operation." Nopony usually goes in there, and it would provide the perfect cover for us to carve out a plan while we wait for the moment to strike. Discord But if there's anything wrong darling, just talk to me, alright?". What is that?" Do you remember the day I became Nightmare Moon?". "Twilight, have you forgotten why we're here? I'll never leave you Twily" Said Cadance soothingly. You want to say sorry? The reality was obvious: While they thankfully hadn't signed their death warrants, Shining, the Mane 5 and Celestia had condemned themselves to this hell they were living. Snapped Spike. However, she had to put that behind her, in order to stick to the task at hoof. The sound was so loud that it caused everything made of glass in the room (along with Shining's eardrums) to shatter. Back at Sugarcube Corner, time had ticked away since the girls had arrived. "It'sIll fill you in on everything inside", said Shining as they went into the living room. The former was pleased to see her, but also equally worried. If they were going to be of any help to Twilight at this time, they needed to be safe from anything, therefore Night felt this was for the best. "Welcome back my Queen" Hissed Blade. It was only now that everypony in the castle had learned of the caves, and ever since, Celestia had sent a scouting party of Royal Guards to investigate them, in order to find out how Chrysalis had managed to imprison both Cadance and Twilight in them, while taking measures to ensure they are never used in such a manner ever again. Meanwhile, very much unbeknownst to Celestia, Luna had taken the decision to head off to the Sparkle family home. "They will heal. With little hesitation, the yellow pegasus embraced Twilight in a hug, silencing any further sobbing. With a sniffle from her snout, she fixed her Stetson and turned to face Cadance, a look of firm and hardy readiness on her face. Would you care to stay with me for the time being?". ", "I was well aware of such a situation unfolding sir." ", This made Cadance lower a brow in question. And honestly . This site and its contents are not affiliated with Hasbro, Inc. Captain, may I talk to you in private?". Cadance headed back to the library to help Twilight and Spike cool off, Rainbow went back to her cloud house in Cloudsdale, the mission to repair the broken bond with Twilight stuck firmly in her mind. Meanwhile, Cadance and the Mane 5 had arrived at Golden Oaks Library, only to find the tall but humble treehouse shut up tight and covered by a large shield, which Cadance was quick to recognize as a spell cast by Twilight to keep out any unwelcome visitors, namely her former best friends. I was left feeling alone and betrayed, believing the ponies did not celebrate my night like they worshipped Celestia's day. The first group is to form patrols with the orders to comb the city for any Changelings that may be still in the city. If it was any consolation, although she did not know it at the time, Applejack was not the only one experiencing a restless night. The yellow pegasus croaked tiredly. I'm sorry if this interrogation caused you any inconvenience. Did they really have the matter under control, or were they too caught up in the wedding to remember what was at stake? She was cornered, and it could have been any more obvious to her. "We weren't going to let Twilight be demoted back to Magic Kindergarten just like that! However, Blade ordered Snake to hold position for a little while longer, so as to not make things seem suspicious. Applejack replied. Only Rarity found the courage to say anything, but even she knew it would be feeble. Honestly Luna, I can't explain it. "After all, we need you to lead the Elements of-mmph!". Meanwhile, Canterlot was buzzing with activity. Suddenly, a voice that sounded like Twilight ripped through the Princess's ears. It was frustrating her to no end. Believe me, I spent a lot of time with her when she was a filly, and she would never do something like that without good reason. Shining Armor had left you. The Mane 5 were completely stuck for words. ", "Very well." It was apparent that the Changelings had taken them prisoner.". "The aim of the pegasi attacking the castle is to cut off the princesses from their guards and divert them somewhere we can corner them. Why was Twilight not corrupted by these Nightmare Forces you speak of? Standing before Chrysalis was a tall and thick stone gate, which opened immediately to reveal an equally tall iron portcullis. Only time would tell. Suddenly, the hall's doors opened to reveal Cadance, who had come bearing news for Celestia. ", "I failed the Element of Laughter because I chose not to cheer you up." Night moved closer to his wife, who leaned close to him in response. Their mistake, which deserved a big fat mark of shame. The wedding hall remained as it was from the moment Twilight ran out crying; a room with an atmosphere crushed under the heavy weights of regret and sorrow. "Listen up Changelings!" Barbarousis! "Girls" Sobbed Twilight. Hoping that Celestia might help him, he turned to her for answers. For the fourth time in a row, silence fell over the room as the Mane 5, Shining Armor and Celestia looked at Cadance in shock and horror. Concerned for his princess, Shining tried waking her up. It wasn't long before Chrysalis reached her throne room, where Captain Black Blade, one of the many mid-ranked officers in the Changeling Army was waiting for her, along with her royal guard. "But Princess, we can't just sit here and do nothing!" I don't care how you do it, just get out of Ponyville, but only when we have Cadance. You have already done enough as it is to destroy our daughter and so did the Princess and her friends, reminded Velvet, still in tears. You know what we want, and if you do not surrender, then we will happily walk over you and anypony else who stands in our way to get it". "Applejack, ah' have lived a long, long life. They even issued the warning that if we fail to apologize to Twilight properly, then she may never forgive us again.". Those who tried to resist were quickly incapacitated and harvested. "But nonetheless. "Yes ma'am!" "Go now Snake Bite. Thank you for the offer Rarity. Twilight quizzed. Also, we did not know it at the time, but their leader, Queen Chrysalis, had managed to somehow infiltrate the city, taking the place of the bride after locking her in the Canterlot Caves.". It was still clear within the depths of her mind; how harsh her brother was toward her, and how her so-called friends thought it right to walk out on her with no sign of pity or consolation. Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic By: VickyT36. Each and every sob that Twilight sobbed made Cadance shake a little, but still she held onto the unicorn for all she was worth. But now, the teacher who had taught her student so much about magic and friendship simply walks out on her, as did her brother and friends when all she was trying to do was save them from a terrible fate? Y'all have brought shame to our family something fierce. Last time we merely harvested the love from the ponies and kept attacking. Eventually, Celestia got a hold of herself. You may proceed with the mission.". "Whoa nelly, would y'look at that?" It won't go away. You all were.". Stepping through them was Spike. Now she knew what was going on, but then came the million-bit question; how would the events of the wedding affect her, and what would come in the future relating to that event that would also affect her? Unfortunately, she still managed to surprise the pink alicorn. I'm so happy you still believe in me." Total duration Replied Skoula, having taken some time to analyse the proposal. "I will not leave anypony to fall victim to the same force that once held me, certainly not this night, nor any other. I'm so happy to see you, but shouldn't you be at the wedding?". The bubbles began to increase in brightness as the energy of the spell increased, the forms of both Velvet and Night becoming obscured by the brightening light. She was still listening, despite this. However, Sharp Fang, who was also present in the war room, raised a matter which would have concerned the Changelings, were the situation any different. Do you seriously expect us to have just believed her out of blind loyalty? "I'm sorry Cadance, but it just isn't that simple. "Twilight, I'm here to say sorry for leaving you at the rehearsal. We do not need this to continue! After thanking the runner, who left the war room immediately, Shining read the letter, which was sent from the village attacked by the Changelings moments earlier. Cadance took a moment to consider Rarity's offer. While there was no conflict outside, there was conflict deep inside. "Yes. ", "I just came to see how you were after yesterday. That was all it took for Celestia to collapse into Shining, sobbing in despair. The train had now reached the midway point on its journey and yet, Twilight still did not feel at peace. One would expect her to take it maturely. ", "I'm not sure darling. "Right away your Majesty". She was crying tears of both despair and joy. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction Unlike you, I would never leave Twilight unless the circumstances demanded it, but were all so caught up in the wedding that it became all that mattered to you! Applejack couldn't help but notice the way they were looking at her. All three had very well-developed and clever minds, which could use the full capabilities of their respective species to full advantage. Lesson Zero was the first thing that came into their minds, a testament to the weight of their collective failure. Velvet took a long look at Night Light, who nodded firmly in response. "Without her, we can't be friends anymore!" Luna's remark made the couple raise their brows in surprise. Urged Fluttershy. Twilight was your own sister, your own flesh and blood! Applejack, meanwhile, slowly trudged back to Sweet Apple Acres, saddened and dejected. Come." Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. That was when the two elder Apples understood Applejack's point. There were no villagers though. "Very well. Princess Luna is here!". Snake Bite bowed without a word. The wedding hall was one of those scenes at the present time: the picture of purest sadness. "No problem Rarity!" Bracing himself, Snake Bite cued to Chrysalis he was ready to receive the intel. It was supposed to be the happiest day of his life since the day he had met Cadance. In your disguise, try to look panicked and terrified. The reason was obvious; Twilight would be welcoming to everypony else but her former friends, her Big Brother Former Best Friend Forever and as of late, her former teacher. Disguise yourselves and your men, and we will go hide somewhere nopony will find us. Still, her mindset was very much like Spike's; it remained to be seen if the Mane 5 regretted their actions at all, therefore now was the time to prove it. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction There was no trusting the girls, considering the magnitude of what they had done to Twilight at the rehearsal, but it remained to be seen if there was any credibility in their desire to apologize, and even if their apology was solid enough to prove their remorse. "Yes Aunt Celestia. I just..don't know. Preceded by a chorus of gasps from the Mane 5, Spike turned to face them, his face contorted into one of outrage. For once, she could take a moment to truly feel the atmosphere in the room, the strongest layer being Twilight's anguish and rage during her outburst, which brought forth the revelation that she could have died due to her rejection by her friends and family that fateful night. How could you walk out on your best friend like that?! She acted nothing like herthe niece we know and love is warm, kind and caring, but the Cadance we saw at the wedding.she was so cold and distant. This was General Skoula, and his physical form was as intimidating and dominating as his reputation among even his own men. cried Velvet. Twilight couldn't finish her words. "What if I was wrong? Shining couldn't keep it together anymore and slowly wept. How could they have no patience for their best friend the one time she was in the wrong, after all the times she helped them with their mistakes? Grinning evilly, Chrysalis held little care for such a plight. You saw much potential in her. Don't come back until you're ready to be Twilight's friends again.". "The wedding's been called off", said Shining, trying to keep a straight face. Nodding to signal their replies, the Mane 5 followed Cadance out of the castle to the train station, leaving the Princess alone in the hall. And for Celestia's sake, Twilight was ruthlessly accusing her of being evil to the point where she upsets her! ", "Only the Royal Guard garrison ma'am. "How are we going to get the message across with Twilight still mad at us? "I'll talk to her first Rarity, let her know you all feel terrible for what you did and you want to apologize. Stepping inside the library, she made herself comfortable. "I'll go and get Twilight. "I'm shaking like a leaf. Alkaios! "Very well" Replied Cadance. In fact, I'm sure Shining and Celestia have realized just how badly they screwed up by now. They really had gone too far in their treatment of her. "Princess, I'm curious. ", "It is a good plan, Commander." With that, Fang departed the throne room, but not before bowing to Chrysalis, who prepared to issue the day's final orders. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction . Go now and assemble the army. When it all comes crashing down, the night will fall. Asked Luna curiously. The aura she was sensing was undeniably strong, and bitter in feeling. But when it was my turn to wake..they were nowhere to be found. ", "The point here, your Majesty" Night Light continued "is that our daughter was the key to stopping the invasion before it ever began. ", "Your Majesty, the word "failure" does not exist in my vocabulary. Her expression was calm, but serious. She loved them all very dearly, which explained the great pain she was feeling. A battle was on the rise, but before the already present hostilities could escalate, the two sides stopped just metres from each other. "Yes, Princess," said Twilight with concern. "I knew it. "Why did I ever doubt her? As for Spike, he was very much pushed to his limits here. There was a pause. As she cried, there were three audible, but gentle knocks on the door. Why hath you summoned me before you? I must speak with the both of you immediately.". Gasped Celestia speechlessly. "It's alright Applejack. The Mane 5 were left speechless.

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