Will tries to spread his message of love and salvation, but his teachings transform some people into bots that just follow his orders. The humans killed their only chance to utopia through their narrow mindedness and being scared of what they did not understand. Moving to distance himself from Kyra's body, Riddick slumped into the first seat that presented itself, which happened to be the throne of Necropolis. rev2023.3.3.43278. After Riddick was caught by Toombs and his Merc crew, Vaako discovered that orbital units were able to pick up the ion trail left by the craft's supralight jump. Blood trickled down his cheek. An empire of religious fanatics who sought to either. Using her artful mastery of manipulation, his wife convinced her mate to carry out the Lord Marshal's orders, until such time he revealed weakness that they could eventually exploit to their mutual benefit. It was what the Lord Marshal expected. A Half Dead didn't die so easily. Its a love story to me more than anything. He would of known the moment he saw her she was carrying a virus. Riddick begin a fight with the Lord Marshal. Each and every Necromonger soldier unlucky enough to be standing within the radius of that expanding, palpable fury when it finally unleashed, were killed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It's better to ask me that question in October. Appearances I didnt like that nobody simply asked the AI to turn off or to stop doing what it was doing. We sort of jump ahead, so people who know the last movie will be saying, "Well, how did he get here?". For Vaako is the only one who knows where Furya is, since it was purged from all records. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. After killing the warrior, the Lord Marshal was intrigued at who this intruder could be. This is where I cant come to a conclusion. But yes, there is an extended flashback sequence that explains how Riddick went from King of the Necromongers to being left for dead on this deserted planet. There was no reason to be second-guessing his actions. I think the supercomputer planned it all along. Of course, our goggled protagonist manages to survive this assassination attempt as well, along with the subsequent events of the film, bounty hunters and all. There was always one. It isn't a bad one at all, but it doesn't matter how many times you come back to it, the film just doesn't reflect the incredible amount of talent that was poured on it. Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? This could still be a day of days, as the Lord Marshal declared. ny times gerrymandering game riddick ending explained transcendence. Vaako For that matter, why care about one man, one breeder? Just like the proverbial Adam and Eve (Evelyn???) riddick ending explained transcendence Trivia. lol All these little perks made the movie riveting IMO. Only Vaako escaped the devastating effects of the silent discharge. It's true that the Lord Marshals gifts come from there but their power comes from within. Another clue that the virus not only wiped out the net, but also everything the nanobots touched. With waning strength, both the physical and astral Lord Marshal lashed out simultaneously. I just wanted to make this clear. So what is Transcendence about? How were you able to recreate that? If Riddick had gone off-world, it was Vaako's duty to lens him out and cleanse him. Status They did not rouse him to anger because he understood the motivation. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? When the terrorist had captured the first guy that worked for The Dr. The reason he doesnt is because he realizes that man is not ready to accept a God. What the Furyan did not expect, what no one in the room who was This means that he decided to allow the blackout to occur so that it would push Evelyn to connect. Its more then yes you can see the nano bots inside the water purifying it at the end . JUST A MACHINE CONTROLLING YOUR BODY. A simple code, a code that people can respect. Traits Destroy AI that wanted to clean earth and make word peaceful. They can still communicate with anything INSIDE the cage including each other and other wireless devices that may be in there. Continuing my previous post. Vell, I think you said it the best. It was the logical, right thing to do. The garden then stays like the only pure place in the world, but the possibility that the nanomachines can escape and transform the world once again is always there. Indeed, at the beginning of the film, we learn that, in the time between the ending of Chronicles and the 'present', Riddick has essentially avoided much of the responsibility of his position, to the degree that he hasn't even sworn . This is why he throws in the cards instead of fighting, he inevitably knows (once they sent evelyn in there, risking death) that humans would die before they accepted his presence as a God like figure. Conversely, if Wills vision of world domination was to create utopia, then we are faced with the challenge of evaluating what is truly important. It states in Riddick Wiki, Lord Marshal that each one is to make the trip to the Threshold. How can this new ban on drag possibly be considered constitutional? Change). Here, the line of what is morally permissible seems to have been crossed, especially when Will controls the mans conscience and uses him to talk and attempt to touch Evelyn. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Ultimately, the humans were right to try and destroy this machine. Sorry, cant agree. If you take your smartphone into a faraday cage, you may have no signal, but you can still play candy crush. Instinctively, the Lord Marshals physical self snapped away from Vaakos blow. BUT we then see a final scene where we see rainwater thats gone through the Faraday cage, drip over some sun flowers. When I was watching the movie, I wasnt really sure who to root for. I said here's what we'll do, "we'll start at the back of the hall, and push forward to find him on the throne but a different Riddick. Riddick turned to the window, which showed the ship facing the portal to the Underverse. When his physical body caught up, the two combined to strike. In the end it was the humans who destroyed civilization and doomed humanity to suffering and destruction. Despite her best efforts, nothing seemed to convince Vaako that this was the necessary course of action that needed to be taken. Unexpectedly, the floor below was occupied. This excellent film is analogous to the relationship between God (in that it speaks of a pure, unselfish and incorruptible love) and mankind (which can only aspire to It.) He studi Transcendence Ending, Explained: What Happens To Johnny Depp In Transcendence? On their way down to the Necropolis, Dame Vaako and her husband take a detour to a sweeping balcony overlooking the central sanctum, to ensure their privacy. Watching the film itself. Evelyn Caster uploads her dying husbands consciousness into a computer and the concepts of sentience and personhood are forever blurred. Unfortunately, Wills work isnt received very well by some sectors of humanity. Within the throne room of Necropolis, no one moved. I have probably watched Chronicles too many times. He had done all that had been asked of him, both personally and professionally. Ok, so youre telling me that a solar powered super computer that was regenerating and rebuilding it self as the great destructive force of exactly 2 WWII era artillery cannons and 1 mortar tube were destroying a facility that was 5 stories underground presumably with a pretty impressive solar charged battery array to survive the nights didnt have enough power or time. Can't risk another attack. (LogOut/ D, I hope it was obvious that my comments about the Cars was in relation to this event actually occurring in the real world people should look up how easy it is for the government to actually shut the internet down. 1 wide . Was it mostly green screen? you don't see coming that puts you down. Reluctantly, Vaako obeyed and departed to carry out his orders. Some people are really excited for what the technology could mean for the future of humanity. Nothing was compelled. The conclusion is, people only like the God that doesnt exist, because by definition people fear what they dont understand.. therefore the only God people would accept is one that either doesnt exist or is hidden from them. Got to watch it again! And Max was.never even at the same level as Will. Thank you for clearing it up. His highly controversial experiments have made him famous, but they have also made him the prime target of anti-technology extremists who will do whatever it takes to stop him. But Riddick was there, standing over the astral form. If hurt, the Lord Marshal would hesitate, and that is when Vaako would have to act. Can a soul/spirit/atom/electron etc. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. HOWEVER, in the extended, director's cut of the film, we learn a bit more regarding this subject. But even though he's amoral, he has a code. And we want answers! As for why he does it exactly as he does, its so that he can spend the rest of his time in his garden with evelyn as a singularity. Just saying, desolation wasnt what I saw. In gratitude, Zhylaw ceremoniously promoted Vaako to the esteemed rank of Commander General. Plot. Your guess is as good as mine. No one with his ability to seize the moment. Hed been forced to move, and move fast, to save his own life and that of his surviving soldiers from the full force of the rising sun. If suddenly presented with limitless power and control, I think pretty much any human would ultimately be tempted use that power, initially, perhaps, for good, but I feel this power would act like a drug, with the person wanting and needing more of it and the sense of freedom that humans crave, might give way to evil, causing the individual to, essentially, lose control. In the central meeting chamber, the leaders of Helion waited uneasily. At no time did the AI force a human to transcend. Couldnt Will at the very least just have healed Evelyn then uploaded the virus later? riddick ending explained transcendence. The ending, Will told Everlyn to go to their paradise which was their garden. "Bill O'Brien now, he needs to settle things down for Mac Jones," Riddick continued. If Will can control the people infected with nanites, he is like a queen of the hivemind. At the start of the film, Will tells Evelyn that the reason for building a Faraday cage is that he wants to be disconnected from the rest of the world and live in peace. ADVERTISEMENT

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